Sunday, January 12, 2014

More Embroidery Machine…with Origami Dragons on the side….

DSC_2848 DSC_2849  So yesterday I continued my familiarization of the Brother 770 Embroidery Machine and tried a few things out.   DSC_2850Simple things like fonts,  sizes,  positioning,  etc. I think I have settled on the script font and the darker thread seems to show up the best.  As far as size, I discovered I can vary the sizes slightly from large to small and then adjust accordingly.   IT was actually so simple to use,  I have not really had anything else to experiment on.  Like preparing for a math problem only to discover it only took a fraction of the time to finish it.  ( pun intended)

Anyway,  with my new found time, we have been making a few additional stockings and folding some origami.   Nothing too special,  just more dragons really.  A request from a frequent customer to the shop.  I’ll have to continue as many of the items in the shop have expired over the past few days.  Time to add a few new things! 

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