Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Hint of Winter...

 Today was one of those days where you begin to consider the possibility of snow.   I was much colder than yesterday, with very high winds this morning.  As I write this,  the wind is howling outside my window.   I like it!  For the most part...   Although it is tough to be outside if you are not dressed for the occasion.

I actually broke out the neoprene tights for my biking adventure this morning.   Cheryl wore shorts, but with the ear covers, gloves and long sleeves that suggest 40 degree temps.  The wind made that number seem colder.   But we soldiered through somehow, and managed to run the complete 7 mile training run.

Today was the day I decided to put away all the "Summer Things"  and prepare for winter.  Seems like a logical conclusion at this time of year.  I took out the air conditioner, raked up some leaves, put the garden hose in the shed, and took down my hummingbird feeders.   I noted that the Cardinal Creeper still is pushing out a flower or two on the vine.
  A blogger from Des Moines still has some Morning Glories.  I was shocked that those flowers are still in bloom.   I have a few marigolds and three small red flowers on the Creeper....but that is all!

Cheryl says snow is coming on Friday... mixed with some rain.   It may be a while before the snow accumulates to signify Winter is truly here, but snow on any day is a very loud herald. I don't even think we have had a killing frost yet!  But Cheryl plans on running through it all.   We have plans...   And those plans require some type of training during the winter months.

Hope everyone is staying warm and cozy on this blustery chilly day.   And enjoy those flowers, if you still have them. I'm sure they will not be around for much longer.

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