A Walk down MiddleVille Trail. With Cheryl's Fam. |
We finally arrived home after three days in Michigan... and I was too exhausted to even blog last night. But here I am now! Complete with some colorful pictures and stories of all those family obligations.
Cheryl and Mom. |
First, I should say that it was mostly fun. Sure it rained... a lot. And was kinda cold. But the family atmosphere was pleasant and, for the most part, fun. Cheryl's Brother was celebrating his big 40 and they had invited tons of people to the show. We dropped in later, but mostly hung out with Cheryl's Mom, Dad, and Sister.
Some Michigan Color |
Next to the River. |
Thornapple River Canoe Launch. |
It is Hunting Season in Michigan... And the scenic trail they had planned on showing us was closed. This I found rather annoying.
First, I used to be a hunter. And I doubt hunters are going to gun down pedestrians on a paved trail. But then I thought that it was most likely the other way around. Pedestrians harassing squirrel hunters and duck hunters as they quietly sit in the woods. What has this world come to? Michigan used to be a place were hunters and hikers could live in harmony. The Rugged Individualism and hunting culture was woven deep into the Michigan Tapestry. But maybe I'm projecting too much.
Mountain Ash Berries... I think. They were sweet. |
More Color. |
The old haunts that I used to remember are now almost unrecognizable! Sure, it has been 7 years since we left. But some of these places have have sprung up so recently. We used to fish in the Thornapple River. It was hidden in the trees in a rather wild area. Now it is in the middle of a small town! Complete with sidewalks, canoe launches, bridges and decks overlooking the river. Crazy!
A New Mall! Where once was only trees and farmland. |
The Autumn colors were almost over, yet there were still a few trees to hanging on.
Sandhill Cranes coming in for a landing |
Usually the colors are an explosion, but I guess the year had been rather dry and the leaves reflected it.
A "closer" view. They sure were noisy. |
The mountain Ash berries were out ( and I guess they are edible!) And the Sand-hill cranes came in for a landing in the wetland as we watched. I could not get a close-up, but I did manage to get a few as they were about to land.
Andy's Arcade Basement! What a trip! |
The Adults fight the kids for game time. |
And then we went to visit Andy for his Birthday. This is not a psychedelic LSD trip...Nope! This is Andy's basement arcade! Ah! The memories of the 80's came rushing back and I played Out Run, Mrs, Pac Man, Gangster Alley, and Joust.
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Cheryl with Julie and Mike. |
There were many more. And 4 different pinball games to enjoy. Andy has definitely taken his techno-Dreams to the next level. We had to muscle our way around the kids to play our favorite games. Those 5 -10 year-olds can be so competitive! These games are meant for adults! (30-40 Year-Olds) I didn't want to have to pull rank, but sometimes being an adult has its perks.
Your Choice of Pinball |
Foggy Trip to Iowa. |
The Michigan trip was a strange affair. As we drove back home I could only describe the experience as a "Great Saddness." Why sadness? I guess because of all those memories that flood back to a happier time. Nostalgia is such a bitter pill to swallow. My life used to revolve around hunting and fishing. I even went to college to become a DNR Fisheries Biologist. (And I Was a for a brief time) But that life is far behind me now. And I have very little desire to go back to it.
The good old days were't always good. |
Cheryl's describes it as "lost heaven" Syndrome. Reflecting back on a life that that you never really had while you lived there. It is true, Michigan was a financial wasteland for fisheries Biologist 10 years ago. And I still hold on to the perception that Michigan forced us out of the state! Now that they are ( kinda) on the road to recovery, I have no desire to go back. Call it a grudge, I guess. But Cheryl and I both came to a rather surprising epiphany on this trip... That Iowa is not that bad.
Probably never.... |
I doubt I will ever cheer for the Hawkeyes. I probably will always think I will eventually leave this state. But right now, This is our home. How strange is that?
Michigan Craft Beers |
Rockford Michigan. Oh! the Memories. |
Another thing about Michigan was that it has fully embraced the craft beer phenomenon. We picked up a couple samples while we were there. ( Along with some Honey Brown...mmmm Honey Brown!)
Fly Fishing Tribute |
The Beer from Rockford Michigan was brewed right next to the Rouge River. A rather famous place for Fly fishing. I used to fish there. It was a fun place to quietly reflect and relax while hooking into Brookies, Browns, and Rainbows... All in one summer session. In the fall, the Steelhead gather by the dam and the place becomes a combat fishing zone. It is nice to see the Beer Cap reflect that fly-fishing culture.
Saugatuck Michigan. Next to the Big Lake... |
The Wheat Beer was brewed in Saugatuck. Located on the banks of Lake Michigan, We used to fish for Yellow Perch there. On a good day in the middle of summer ( 4th of July, usually) we could catch a full 5 gallon bucket....and a third degree sunburn! What great times.
Lake Michigan Perch! Summer Success! Oh the memories. |
Now the Gobies have displaced the Perch. But I hear you can still get them in certain places. If you have never had Michigan Lake Perch... Well, you are truly missing out.
Iowa fall Color in Wellman. |
So that is all. Fall color was not the best, but we managed to get a little bit of the tail end. The temps were not as cold as they are here. Cheryl had to seriously bundle up this morning, when yesterday she ran in shorts and t-shirt before we left. One of the things I miss most is that Michigan Water. Lakes, rivers, streams, and well water is all better than Iowa. But you can't have everything all the time. And right now, We are here.
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