Turkey Trot Day |
Happy Thanksgiving! Do you remember when there were shortages? Of
anything? Ever?! I remember, when I was growing up, when stores would sometimes run out of Turkey's before Thanksgiving. You had to Buy your Turkey several days in advance or else you would have to have a Ham or Goose.. or Duck. (one Genther Thanksgiving we had duck, but mostly because Grandpa had too many ducks in the chicken house.) Cranberries, squash, special biscuits... Pies! Oh! the Crusts and fillings and Cool Whip... all ran in short supply back in the day.
Cheryl being Festive. |
But NOW... We have
entire Thanksgiving Feasts! In a
BOX! Ready to be taken home and served on Thanksgiving day. We have Turkeys
Pre-Thawed! Ready to cook
on the Big day. For those folks who have never known shortages, Giving thanks on Thanksgiving might be lost in the world so rich and plentiful that you can eat whatever you like whenever you like,
ALL the time! Why pig out on a single day when food litterally
runs through the streets of this country. I just thought of that a few days ago. I had to actually try to remember the last time we could not get something because there was not enough or it was sold out of the store. Back in the '70's I guess. ( A long time ago!) Mom had to hit several stores to find a Turkey... and managed to get the last one at D&W. One year, Aunt Flo's Sister-In-Law "Brought the Turkey" For Thanksgiving. A HUGE 20 pounder... still frozen rock hard! SNAFU's like that no longer have to ruin a Holiday. We live in the greatest country in the world!
My "Self" portrait. |
Showing off my hat. |
I just wanted to put that down as a footnote on the blog. A Small anecdote to an otherwise "routine" day of Celebration. So let's get to the
Important stuff. Me! And My
inability to take a selfie!
Shadow on my face. |
Hey Hey! There's the Hat. |
Who takes selfies? I personally don't think they ever look very good. So why bother? Like FlipFlops, I think the world is a beter place without them... but that is my opinion and it appears very few people would agree with me. Besides, how difficult can it be?
Why did I take this one? |
Where am I looking? |
Mark Noorman seems to be an expert. (An old friend who is a serious Facebook-er) Don't get me wrong, his all look
bad. But at least they look
professional. He also takes a LOT of them... so be must be well practiced.
However, I can't seem to get the angle right, The shading, the timing, the lighting... All look terrible! This is why I concentrate on taking pictures of Cheryl. Because I have short arms, lack self promotion, and most of all.... Hate asking strangers to take a picture of me. (They always seem to take an unflattering photo.)
Cheryl says it is time to run. |
At the start line. It is Cold! |
So I focus on Cheryl. She makes a good subject, because she does stuff... like run. And so She ran the Des Moines Turkey Trot today. There was no medal. There was no shirt. They even did not want to have to track your time! It was.. a Cheap local Race... With lots of catered food from HyVee. ( Actually pretty good stuff too!)
Pie eating contest before the Race! |
But Cheryl says, "Shorts!" |
She ran the 5 Mile loop as opposed to the 5Kers. It all did not matter, as the 5Kers and the 5 Milers were all lumped in to the same corral. Even though she was in the first wave, she still ended up dodging 5Kers as they walked and trotted along... Forming barriers, obstacles, brake checks and tripping hazards. Add in that the start was cold, frosty, slippery, and filled with 5 waves of participants, and you can see the various challenges this race presented.
She loses the coat shortly as well. |
Cheryl runs with the Crowd. |
But she did well, despite all these problems. She placed 2nd in her age group and finished with a respectable time. ( About a 7:11 minute mile pace! That is Smokin'!) She is happy. And I'm happy that she is happy. I have been fighting the grumpies for the last several days... so being happy is a nice feeling.
5Kers mixed with 5Milers. |
5 milers take the far bridge. 5Kers
Take the close one. |
Eventually, we headed to Hyvee for their Thanksgiving Meal... but it would appear that they did not have it this year. Oh! There was turkey and all the trimmings ( just like yesterday) but not the huge Prime Rib and Pie Assortment they had last year.
Cheryl runs towards the Finish. |
Now we wait in the sun for the
Goodies. ( food) |
It was all good since we had a plan "B" in place and were not feeling particularly hungry at that early time anyway. We traveled home and are currently eating pie while we wait for the Turkey to finish roasting. By the time it is finished, I'm sure we will be ready to eat it.
Total Stranger takes this
one. |
Hope everyone is having a fine and tasty Thanksgiving Holiday. All those family meals and stories tend to pile up if you have to wait a year to share them. And I pity the folks who have to attend several family events... how can they fit it all in? But it is only one day a year.. and you can spend the rest of the year losing the extra pounds. Maybe by running a Turkey Trot! Happy Thanksgiving!