Friday, February 15, 2019

What A Difference 30 Degrees Makes!

Yesterday,  It was 40 degrees and sunny.   The ice and snow was melting and Cheryl and I ran/biked with too many clothes on.  It is difficult to not be overdressed when you have had sub-zero temps all week.  (only a slight exageration.)  Bottom line:  If you include wind chill and limited windows of opportunity to run,  then most of the time the temps have been colder than our preference.

And then today happened.   In one day,  the temps dropped from 40 degrees, warm and Sunny...  To 0 degrees with a -25 windchill!    They urged everyone to stay inside until 9 A.M.   When the wind would finally change and the sun would come out.   Still...  there was a slight wind which I'm sure dropped the temps into the negatives.

Despite this,   we "ground out" 7 miles both days.   We know we always feel better for the rest of the day After the run.   But getting started is always a challenge.   So instead of looking at it as a training exercise in physical exertion, we are thinking of it as an exercise in Mental Fortitude!  (Meaning:  We are exercising our MIND more than our Body!)

Then again,  Finding the art in everything is one of the motivating factors.   The icebergs returned to the river.   ( in one day!   So fast!) And the eagles were swooping for fish.  I almost had one on camera, but he missed his prize.

The good things was that the ice has mostly melted yesterday, keeping the sidewalk/trail clear where it has been plowed.   Running in the cold is made slightly less dangerous when the path is clear and dry... and lacks the slippery ice.

As for now..  Our plan was to engage in activities that would prepare us for the Hypothermic Half Marathon coming up in Minnesota.  We definately have the cold weather down.   And the very warm winter weather down.   I feel like there is a large gray area we are now prepared for.   We even got the "slippery conditions" down since Cheryl has already fallen (Twice!) and has purchased a pair of Ice cleats to run in should the conditions demand it.  Still,  this is Minnisota we are talking about.   Anything can happen.   ( Overly pleasant weather would be a pleasant "disappointment," though!)

Now it is time to relax with the cat.   I try to take my lead from his life.   Which is sometimes a good thing.   Sleeping, eating,   sleeping again.   And sometimes playing in the paper.   I think I will skip the "licking myself" that he does all the time.   It looks like fun, but I lack the flexibility.

Thanks for stopping in!  And stay warm!

1 comment:

L. D. said...

Cats are the best at taking care of themselves. It is best to just let them be or they will just go somewhere else. Our last cat was yellow and white and she lived for a very long time.


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