Not my cold... the Winter cold! My little bought of seasonal sniffles is pretty much over now. Even my Fauci voice is getting better. I'm talking about the bone chilling Arctic cold that is currently plaguing Iowa this week. Combined with the wind, it makes outside almost unbearable. A reminder of those Harsh Minnesota winters when I lived in New Ulm.
Yet we continue to run outside. I think yesterday we managed 7 miles. The Day before that, Cheryl and Mike ran in Davenport at some indoor track. They had a good time, (14 miles I think...) but I found it a little boring. Not really, I simply folded paper until they were done. (Origami is a Time Machine!) With a little luck, the cold snap will end and we can get back to normal 30+ degree weather. And run outside in tolerable weather again...
The Eagles have been out around the river. The river along the trail is the only section of water that is not fully frozen over. There are small open areas, but mostly the ice covers everything. You know it is cold when the Eagles gather up around a single open water hole.
Too bad I can never get a really great pic of them.
I usually have to wait for one to be right next to the trail for a good shot. And even then it comes out blurry. But I can never seem o get enough of the Eagles around here.
The cats have been enjoying their new toy. A rare shot of all 4 of them hanging out with the spinner.
All of them will totally jump on it when it is on. Each button lasts around 20 minutes, so that will allow it to rest between sessions. When it goes on too long, the cats will get bored, so it is a nice feature. ( saves batteries!)
I have been folding again, a little bit at a time. Who would have thought one could get rusty from folding after taking so much time off.
But, I have at least been able to complete a few moderately challenging things the last few days. I will see if the old bug comes back when I attempt something a little more challenging.
Hope everyone is staying warm. Warmer weather is supposed to start sometime next week. And by "warmer" I mean 30's. And it brings the possibility of snow. But now we have two Subarus! So... Bring it on!
( Just kidding... I would not mind if the snow held off a little bit. Maybe an inch or so.. but no more than that.) Thanks for stopping in. 244
The winter cold forced me into doing things like cooking and cleaning and laundry...boring! But it looks like you guys are surviving that cold. At least in my hill country we can get out of the wind.
Iowa is pretty flat and open there right? Brrr.
Glad Cheryl is getting her running in.
Stay warm.
I had forgotten we had a cat toy that let the ball be hit in the circle trough. Our yellow cat at the time spent hours batting that ball in circles. Warm weather being 30 degrees is pathetic but that is what diehard Iowans live for because our brains are frozen.
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