Sunday, May 29, 2022

Fairy Rings in Our Yard.

Quick post on this memorial Holiday Weekend.   We just got back from some friends and were pleasantly surprised to find a Fairly Ring of Mushrooms.  We also found a number of Golden Oyster Mushrooms, but I did not have the camera to take their picture.   No matter, I have blogged about them many times before.  

Will make this a quick post.   Just the mushrooms in the yard that I have not ID-ed yet.  Thanks for stopping in and have a wonderful Remainder of you Holiday Weekend. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Making New Friends.

 As I mentioned before,   I tend to make a lot of animal friends out in the wilds of Iowa Farm country.  Mostly the cows and horses, if they are able to go near the fence.  And sometimes various dogs and cats that happen to be in their yard as I pass by.  I used to know all of the dogs and cats By Name!  But many of them have passed on  over the years, and now, I have to start all over. 

But today,  I managed to find an undiscovered treasure trove of  cuddly cuteness!  I went down one of the class "B" roads towards a couple of farms where there is a large Burmese Mountain Dog.  I have not seen him for a while and wanted to see if he was still kicking around the houses.   Instead,  I saw some puppies!

The puppies looked rather shy, but when I dismounted the bike to take a closer look,   out comes a tidal wave of Kid Goats! 

They were ADORABLE!  And very friendly.   They wanted to lick my hands and nibble on my hat while I petted them.  So cute!  

I snapped a few pictures before leaving,  and fed them a few tender handfuls of clover that was on the other side of the road.  They seemed to enjoy it. 

On the way back home, I stopped to pet Diesel and the unnamed Chocolate Lab before feeding the cows that they "guard".   The cows are now very bossy and call out to me if I pass by without feeding them the green stuff on my side of the fence.  But they are still fun to pay attention to. 

I should also mention that I saw a kit fox yesterday.  He was sitting in the middle of the road as I approached.  He must have been young, as his tail was thin.  But there was no mistaking the ears and nose. Very cute. 

And finally,  Cheryl got her award for 3rd place finisher at the Little Rock Marathon.  She was a little disappointed in the time and size of the award.   ( Her time was actually  a few seconds short of 3:27.00)  But official times and engraving specs probably conspired to round the time up, instead of down.   A small cross to bear. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend this weekend.   We may have things to do that are not running and not sitting alone at home.  I will have more information when the time comes.  In the mean time...  thanks for stopping in.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Running The Race At A Different Pace

So you want to get into shape and use running as your primary exercise.   And to help keep you motivated, you link up with a running partner or party.  Together,  all of you run your training runs together and help cheer each other up when the pain begins.   And it works!   It keeps folks running who would otherwise quit somewhere along the way. 

But what happens when you discover that you want to break away from the pack?   Do you limit your potential by continuing the pace set by the other person or group leader? (What if they are slowing you down?)   Or do you break out and move forward at a new pace.  Your pace!  

It is a common question for runners who are trying to constantly improve their times and lengthen their distances.  And at some point, they may have to join up with another "faster"group or pace partner to get the goals that they set for themselves.   It makes sense, in a way.   The "starter pack" can only get you so far. 

But what about the partner who is left behind?   What do they do?   Do they quit running altogether since  the possible motivation for running is gone?   

Let's think about that for a sec.   There are advantages  to running that folks should think about before abandoning it completely.   There are the health bonuses!  Your heart, lungs, blood pressure, and leg strength and endurance are all included.  There is also the mental perks that come with routine exercise and bodily stress.  And by now, you have finally formed a habit. Giving up all of that just because your pacer decides they want to chase a better finishing time does not sound like a very good reason.   

But there are options!  You can continue solo if that is what you want.   You can also buy a dog!  Many dogs make really good running partners.  Or you can find another running group or individual that is more at your pace. Anything to keep you playing the game and running the race of health and well being. 

And so you see all of the various pace groups that run the races.   They may start out as walkers, but eventually, they will all reach the pace where they are comfortable or challenged or aiming for.  Not everyone can win the race, yet knowing this,  many people decide to run the race anyway.  And many of them will finish it.   And for them,  the finisher's medal is the proof that they are winners of a different race.  A race for health, mental toughness, friendship, or even life.    The only "losers" of the race are the ones who drop out  before the finish or never get off the couch to begin with.  ("Loser" might  be a bit harsh, but you get my drift." How can you 'lose' something you never try? ")

Racing and running really have a pace for everyone.   They are the most all inclusive and welcoming  event you could ever ask for.   The rules are simple:   Cross over the start line when the gun goes off.  Run/walk the distance while staying on the prescribed route.  And finally,  finish the race and gather up your bananas, chocolate milk and finisher's medal.   That's itSimple!**

And along the way you can wear tutu's,  costumes, or festive gear.   You can run the race barefoot while juggling or yo-yoing!  You can push a stroller, wheelchair, or drag a dog along the way.  All are welcome and everyone is happy to see you there.  In fact, you may even find a quirky pace group that you can link up with along the way. 

But in the end,   running is an individual sport.    Everyone, no matter who they run with, has to cross the finish line by themselves.   And that means that the individual gets to choose the pace they want to chase. If they never win a race;  If they never win and award;  They will at least win the part of life that rewards achievement and health.  And that is a huge thing.  I mean,  isn't Life a lot like running a race? 

So choose your path.  Choose your pace!  Do you want to race through life trying to see just how far you can go?  OR perhaps you want to walk through life at a slower pace,   enjoying the scenery and strawberries at mile 24.   ( And Beer at mile 25!)   And if you can find someone to motivate you along the way, all the better.  But it will still always be you who crosses the finish line when the time comes.

    ** Murpy's laws of war:

14.  The Important things are always Simple.  

15. The Simple things are always Hard.

16. The Easy way is always Mined!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Things to Blog About....

 There is much!  But I can't write it down here.   And it has been a while since the last post, so I wanted to show you what I see everyday in the country walks of Iowa.   

I have been enjoying feeding the cows whenever I walk by.   I give them the tall green grass on the other side of the fence.   They seem to like it, since I now have them following me and calling whenever I walk by. 

Next to the cows are the two farm dogs that "guard" the place.   Obviously not from humans, as I have been able to befriend both of them with pets, treats, and some brushing.   

Diesel is the black lab on the quad runner.   ( He has a collar with his name on it.)   

I don't know what the chocolate/gray lab's name is.   He is very friendly and tries to hog all of the pets and cuddles. 

Sadly,  the horses from one field are no longer there.   And the other ones at the end of the road have been cooped up in their pen so I can not feed them the fresh clover that grows across the road.  But eventually they will be out in the coral again.   Perhaps I can take their picture then. 

And if you missed it last weekend... there was a blood moon/ lunar eclipse.  My camera did not capture it at it's best, but out of all the pics, this is the best one I have.   It was a very spectacular scene around 10:30 at night.  

Rocket sleeps next to the Hops vines.

That is all for now.   I am working ever so much these last few weeks.  IT is beginning to grate me, but I think the project is only supposed to last until Tuesday.   In the mean time, I'm trying to get as much time in as I can.  

Short post today.  See what happens when  job interferes with your blog time.   But I got this down and I'm ok with that.   Usually my posts are too long anyway.   Thanks for stopping in and have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Driving Fast, Driving slow...

A intense topic of discussion came up this weekend over my ability to drive.   Specifically,  Cheryl thinks I drive too slow.   Like an Old man. Or a Turtle or something like that....

That's fine.    I think she drives too fast.... And reckless!  But I don't bring those topics up during family gatherings.   What can I say?  I'm just an awesome dude.  

But Cheryl brought it up that I drive too slow.   Sometimes just below the speed limit.   And I will admit that some of those allegations are true.   But most of them are slightly exaggerated for Comedic Value.   I know this because I do it all the time.

What shocked me the most was the Families ability to beat up on  their favorite In-law!  (Me!) They all agreed  with Cheryl that Driving slow was "dumb" and should never be done under any circumstances!   And when they said "Dumb," I can only assume they are referring to me in some way.  And everyone knows I'm not a complete idiot!   Except when it comes to fixing things... now and then....  Mostly...

Now, to be fair... Mom sided with me.  Mostly because she felt bad about the Miner clan Ganging up on me.   And I know that most of the Miner's are Speed Demons with lead feet.   And I am even willing to offer them a "gracious understanding" that each one of them had a specific scenario in mind when answering the "slow or fast" driver question.   Even I do not like getting stuck behind a slow driver.   That is a no brainer!

But I was talking about driving the posted speed and up to even 5-10 miles over under certain conditions.   That little detail never made it out, as the laughter and Ethan Bashing became quite deafening at times.  That is ok... I can take it.   And I know that Cheryl kept adding to the fire for Comedic value.   (Because that is something I would do!)  

So let me here and now, demonstrate why I am not, nor will I ever be offended by defending my ability to drive the posted speeds...  Here are some Reasons to drive a little slower:

  -Ever hit a Deer at 80 MPH?  Me either!  Know why?  Because I don't drive FAST!   Everyone knows  (Or will know eventually) that Deer are cute, brown, BIG, and dumb.   And they, for some unknown reason, love to play in the road along with Possums and Raccoons..  Usually at night when there is oncoming traffic with bright lights present.  The sound a deer makes when they hit your car and the pretty red picture they paint on the road and your hood might sound fun, but usually it is not.  Especially for the car.   But don't take it from me..... (since  I have never hit a deer....)  Take it from your close friend or relative or the State Highway Statistics Bureau.  And before you think smaller animals cause no damage,  ask Mr. Skunk about that..

  -Ever lose control on loose gravel or wet roads?   Perhaps there was snow or fog preventing you from seeing the road or car ahead of you.   Maybe  those conditions are not the best to fully rely on your braking power.   Hmmm...  Driving fast suddenly sounds kind of....  Let me think of the word.... DUMB?  The best part is paying the $120.00 dollar Towing bill to get out of the ditch after you slide off the road.   Assuming you will not have to have additional repairs done to your car.   Then again,   maybe you have lots and lots of money you can throw at your speed addiction. 

  -Did you know that driving over the posted limit is Illegal?  No way!  Yes, my friend.  Big Brother has come up with ways to protect you from yourself by passing laws to keep you safe.   Isn't that nice?   Well, As much as I dislike the Government and the Nanny state they impose on us.  I can at least agree that posting certain Speed LIMITS is probably a good thing.  Especially around hidden curves, construction sites, School zones, or dangerous cliffs.  Those areas might be good areas to keep the speeds low  so you do not kill yourself or others.    I will be the first to admit skepticism of the Government's good intentions.   Ever wonder how they are going to make up the difference for the "Defund the Police" scam?   That is right!   In an age of Looting, Riots, and Arson.   Why would the Police possibly enforce the 5-10 mile speed limit violation?  One word:  MONEY!  All those other crimes don't pay the bills as well as good old fashion traffic violations.  I'm just sayin'. 

  -Enjoy those high Car insurance rates.  You see, Traffic violations are the gift that keep giving!   Only instead of paying for the police and other Government pet projects, you get to help out the Private Sector Insurance companies as well.  It is a Win, Win  for everybody!.... Except you.   Unless you have lots of money to throw at your Speed addiction. 

  -Did you know that driving at slower speeds can increase fuel efficiency?   Now I am no Greenie!  And I know that the Planet will outlive us all, no matter how hot things get or how much carbon we toss up into the air.   But I DO enjoy saving money!  Especially with the high prices of Energy at the moment.   Driving just a little slower, or at least avoiding those lead foot tendencies will save you some cash by increasing the miles you get per gallon.  Unless you are Flush with money and can...well, you get it by now. 

  -Did you ever hear the interview with Dale Earnhart after he hit that wall in that Daytona race?   No?   Ever wonder why?   Maybe because he was going TOO FAST!   Speed kills!   Whenever a car hits a tree at 80 miles per hour,  bad things usually happen.   And not just to the tree. Seat belts and air bags can not prevent the laws of Physics.     And no amount of money will bail you out of this problem.  

  -And finally,  Why are you in such a Hurry?   Late for work?  Late for class?  Late for that Birthday Party?   Well,  No one is late to their own funeral.  Are the few minutes gained really worth the towing bill or car damage that might occur if you have an accident?   And that is the cheap stuff... What about your life?  Was risking your life worth getting to your soul crushing job on time or just a few moments early?   The medical bills will definitely make up for any lost pay that you incurred by being late.  It is easy to forget we are all mortal whenever we drive a car.   Especially when driving a Subaru!  (It's like being on an Angel's wings....)  But we are...And we should keep that in mind when taking speed risk.

Is that enough?   Have I made my point?   You know, I don't remember having the the Instructor in Driver's Ed  telling the 16 year olds to drive as fast as possible... Preferably 10 to 20 miles over the speed limit if the conditions are right.  In fact, we were told to drive the posted speed limits whenever possible.  Unless driving conditions changed.   And then... guess what?   SLOW DOWN!   Never speed up. 

I want to speak to the Manager!  About speeding!Now before this gets any more Nanny Karen-ish, I will say that I understand "Maintaining the Flow of traffic."  Anyone who has driven in Chicago knows that.  ( Or L.A. If you are a West Coaster)  And I even understand driving on long flat stretches of road at a few miles above the posted speeds.  But I think there are more arguments for slowing down without being rude or inconsiderate to your fellow driver.

Oh!  And I just want to say that, for the Record:  I drive Silver Bullet Subie a little slower since he is approaching 20 years in age and has nearly 400,000 miles on him. You wouldn't make Grandpa Chop wood for 20 hours like he did when he was younger, now would you?  I love that car and am not willing to risk ending our relationship simply because I hit a bump at an un-recommend speed.  I'm sure there are other guys out there who coddle their cars a bit too much, but when you are they one paying for gas, speeding tickets, and repairs...  You may think twice before blazing around deer infested roads at night. 

But the REAL truth is.. Cheryl loves the Bean Subie.   It is zippy and fun to drive.   And It DOES want to drive at 80 miles per hour without you even knowing you are going that fast.  And when searching for a reason to drive instead of the other pilot,  it is probably not the best argument that "Ethan Drives Too Safe!"  No one would give you the keys under those circumstances.  (Hopefully!)  But I understand her desire to drive The Bean.  It is a Subaru, after all....

Besides,  I feel like I made my point.   Why did I not mention this yesterday?   Well, Look how long this post has become!!!   I did not have the time to think out these elegant prose in that debate.    And the  the real reason I'm ranting over this is because Tania ( The Outsider Sister-in-law)  felt bad ganging up and bullying me with the rest of the Miner Tribe.   How sweet.   No problems my dear!  I was not bullied.  I was RIGHT!  And being right instills confidence....  I think.  

Saturday, May 14, 2022

River Bank Run Completed! Cheryl Is Officially Inaugurated Into The Two Hour Club.

That is correct!  Cheryl completed the Amway River Bank Run in under 2 hours.   Despite the heat and sun, she managed to pull off 1:59:48.   It was close!  But given the conditions, I will count that as a win.  He goal was under 2 hours and that is what she did.

Can you see her?   She is right beside the 2 Hour Sign Guy.She had accidentally mis-estimated the distance and paced accordingly.   She thought 25 K was about 15 miles.  Actually, it is 15.5343 miles....  A full extra half mile of distance.   That could be an additional 3.5 minutes!   

But she did not lose faith and kept  2 hour club pacer in sight.   She fell back just a tad before crossing the finish line.   I thought she was not going to make it, but I got an official text from the race app that she had crossed the mats just ahead of the club cut off.   Yeah!  

I only got to see her at the start and finish,Find the Cheryl in this picture.... but Her parents and Sister got to see her at the half way point.   That must have been enough to keep her motivated for the final stretch.   Unfortunately,  I did not get any pics from them, and I don't think they even managed to take any.   They were too busy hugging and cheering her on.   That is why you have to have an official Photographer to catch you at these events.   They stay focused and don't get distracted with hugs. 

The 10 K Donut GuyI waited at the finish line  cheering on the 10kers as they crossed the final mats.   I happened to see this guy who we had bumped into that morning getting our coffee and donuts ahead of the race.   We later bumped into him as the 10kers were starting their race.  And this final pic was him in the final stretch of the 10k.   Funny how you can make new friends at such an event.  I did no even catch his name....

The race seemed to take forever, but after it was over, it seemed like it was only a moment before we were back on the road heading to the Celebration of Life for Cheryl's late aunt.  It was a good time. ( As all funerals or celebrations of life end up being...)At the Celebration of Life. There was good food and we were able to catch up with distant relatives that I had not seen since the LAST funeral.   The Winters said Mom and Daughterthat all of their funerals end up becoming family reunions in the end.   I guess that happens with folks who are not Genthers.  ( My Mom's side of the family...)  Every Genther Funeral The Sister and Brother-in-lawsended up becoming a Reunion/ buffet as well. Who ever said the Dutch and Germans had nothing in common?

Subaru Haven!After that event, we headed over to Andy's and continued the Family stuff late into the evening.   Lots to catch up on and it  was difficult to squeeze everything into a single day.  At Andy's Pad... Petting cats. But we did our best.   And if luck is with us,  they  all may be able to stop in to Iowa later this year for a visit.   If we are not working Or if they can afford it....  If Gas prices do not jump any further....  And so on and so on.  There is always something....

In the mean time....  Time to take a break.   Catch some rest, and prepare for tomorrow's long trip back.   I'm hoping the Sunday Traffic is more manageable on the way back to Iowa than it was on the way here.  There was plenty of Construction to slow things down as well.  But what do I care?   Cheryl says she is the one who wants to drive home.   I guess I will be able to sit  back and enjoy the scenery.   

Thanks for stopping in!  And I hope everyone has the Wonderful Remainder of the Weekend. 


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