There are some mushrooms that are just plain gross. Grotesque! Disgusting and UGLY! And they have names that add even more insult to them. Names like "Stink Horn" or "Bleeding Tooth" Hardly the kind of ice breaker you want to bring out at parties...
However, to a mycologist, these mushrooms have a certain inner beauty that others can not see. Yesterday, I discovered several mushrooms that I had previously never seen before. However, I was able to ID them on the spot! Which is always fun.
First up, after those rain storms last Sunday, I figured I would give the forest a few days to spring some Fall mushrooms into action. I may have waited a bit too long if I had wanted to gather up some Boletes.
It appears that many of the Boletes HAD actually popped up, only to be attacked by animals, bugs and slugs. I possibly could have salvaged a few of them, but decided to give them over to the slugs. Most of them were too far gone to be of any value as it was.
I first noticed a Bleeding Tooth on the way into my favorite section. It was mostly white with a few droplets of what I thought was just dew or rain. I took a picture, but did not really think much of it.
But after several more sightings, I noticed that the droplets were dark amber brown or even red-ish. I then knew it was a bleeding tooth. I snapped a much of pictures. But I kept running into it!
Eventually, I kept the biggest and best of the pics. I don't know if this mushroom is edible. I doubt it is poisonous or toxic.. because EVERYONE loves telling you if a mushroom is poisonous or toxic.I imagine it is "safe" to eat, but so disgusting no one would want to try it.
OR the texture, or flavor is terrible. So no one bothers to tell you that... They would rather find pleasure in you discovering that it tastes terrible on your own. And if you are brave enough to try it, then you can endure that chewy texture. Heck, you might even like it.
I found a Stink Horn popping up next to the trail. Save the phallic jokes.... I have heard them all before. These are edible! And thought to be medicinal for... uhem......... Sexual difficulties. But there is not really any research on that topic that I know of. I do know that they are not exactly the best edible mushroom out there. and I have never really wanted to try them myself. But it is good to know they will not kill me if I find myself in a survival situation.
By the way, the foul smelling slime on the tip is there to attract flies... Who eat the spores and then, when they die, a new Stink Horn pops up in its place. Pretty cool eh?
I found these yellow mushrooms at the base of a tree. I think they may be Honey Mushrooms, but lack the scales on the cap.
They do have a veil and grow in clusters near tree roots. Honey mushrooms sound good, and are edible. But I hear they are extremely tough and need to be cooked thoroughly to be enjoyed. Perhaps in a good stew or Chili someday....
The Jack-o-Lanterns are still out. I found several around the base of various trees as well. They certainly are pretty, even if they are known for their toxicity. I still would love to see some of them glow at night.
There is nothing like a good nature walk to calm the soul and recharge the batteries. Having a purpose to the walk makes it just that much more enjoyable. I love looking for mushrooms while walking... along with any berries or wildlife I can find. It is a very spiritual experience.
And if you ever get caught up in the complexity of how things interact, you will find more than just inner peace out there. Too much for a single blog post, that is for sure!
So hurray for the ugly and disgusting mushrooms! They need love too. And are just as amazing as all of the other pretty and tasty ones. I know I was certainly enchanted with them. And if you have read this far, thanks for stopping in and hearing my little rant on mushrooms.... again. Thanks for stopping by.
Very interesting...I always learn something when you are sharing about mushrooms:)
How cool is that about the stinkhorn using flies to spore them !
I think I saw some of those bleeding tooth fungi just a few days ago while walking and trimming back multiflora rose from a deer trail I was walking!
I am going to do a walk to look for cool fungi and mushroom today [Saturday]. Hope you have a great weekend.
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