Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Ink Caps And Elm Oysters!

Remember last post when I was flirting with two types of Oyster Mushroom Identities?   Turns out, both Id's were wrong and the actual Mushroom is not even in the Pleurotus family.   The Elm Oyster Mushroom is not technically an Oyster mushroom, even if it does look and taste a lot like one. Hypsizygus ulmarius  is really just a look-a-like that grows on a number of trees in late fall and even early winter.   

Shaggy Mane, Elm Oyster, and Onions.

Who cares?   Will it kill you?  


Will it make you sick? 

All the fixin's

Probably not.

Can we eat it?  

Yes!   In fact, it does not even have a leathery or woody texture like Ganoderma or Turkey tail. 

So let's Eat it!   And we did!  

Tonight, I fried up several Elm mushrooms with a Shaggy Mane I found in someone's yard this afternoon.   The Shaggy Mane is one of my favorites, mostly because it is one of the few mushrooms that blooms in spring and late fall. 

Add onions, and Mushrooms!


Both Flavor and texture of the Elm Mushroom was noteworthy in that they were fine.  Nothing gross or terrible, but nothing awesome or amazing either.   In the end, it is a large, firm mushroom that taste like a mushroom.   The texture is similar to a slice of Sashimi.  And all of the recipes I looked up suggest it taste a lot like some type of seafood.  A great addition to any soup or pasta dish. 

Add to Pasta!  Yum!
We didn't even have to cook it very long!  ( Unlike Honey Mushrooms or Ash Boletes.) If I come across this mushroom again, I will definitely harvest it and bring it home. So if you happen upon an Elm or Boxelder tree with a large mushroom growing out of it.   And the gills do not travel down the stem,  you may want to consider taking it home and giving it a go.  Another Mushroom to add to the Library of Knowledge!    

Thanks for stopping in.


Val Ewing said...

That is good to know regarding how the gills do or do not go down the stem. I will note that.
I saw a few of those this past week but had no idea if they were any good.

Looks like the mushrooms are still providing for you!

We have rain coming later this week so may...be... we can find some more!

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are a good mushroom hunter!


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