Sunday, December 11, 2022

A Quick Weekend Update.

 I find my blog time being reduced as the holiday season approaches!   And so I have to squeeze in the posts when I can here and there.... And so here it is.  

What did I do today?  Score, Score, and Scored!   I had accepted a Pearson project several weeks ago and this is the week that  the Texas Starr kicks in.   I have been scoring every moment I am not at the Warehouse.  

This leaves very little time to do much else.   I managed to run a little.   I get to work out as much as I want between papers.  That sentence alone makes it sound odd,   but I mean after I score a paper,  I can take a break for a few minutes and get a snack or go to the bathroom.... Or,  do a quick 5 minute workout.  Sounds fun!  Right? If my calculations are right.... I should be looking like the Hulk by the end of the week! ( Without the Green Paint.)

But that means I have to bank a lot of the hours on the weekend.   And there are so many activities on the weekends that I have been missing!  Ah well...  It will all be worth it when I get that inflated bank account at the end of this. At least that is what I want to believe.  

Tonight,  After scoring,   I got to hang out with Dave and Christina.. And Ladybird the dog.   We had Jumble E-I-O... A .... with Shrimp!   It was delicious! 

Other than that,  A simple peaceful day.   Tomorrow begins another week.  Hopefully it will go by fast.   Especially since I have to work pretty much as soon as I get home for the rest of the week. My hope it to be able to snag at least 4-5 hours each night.  And get my Bonuses!  

And get my first paycheck before Christmas!   ( wishing and hoping and praying... right?) We shall see.  

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping in for this short post.   Cheers!


Val Ewing said...

Wow you really have your nose to the grind stone ! What is scoring, btw?

The idea of working out and doing moving in between bouts of sitting is great, it keeps you limber and strong!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Usually you are making stockings! Two jobs you will most likely move on to a higher tax bracket!

Val Ewing said...

Hey! I hope you are having a good Christmas!


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