Sunday, December 16, 2012

Origami Long Horn Beetle

Ah!  Vacation is almost over...and tonight is the last day for stockings.   Cheryl plans on closing it tonight as any sale we make after today has a high probability of not making it in time for Christmas.   So,  Between small bouts of personalizing a few last minute stockings,  I worked on an Origami Beetle using left over Christmas wrapping paper.  Granted,  the paper was a little thicker than I would have liked  but it was surprisingly strong.   And after wetting it a bit and fine tuning the small folds,  I think it turned out pretty well.
 The secret (  well,  one of many)  is binder clips....lots and lots of binder clips!   Also having a small brush to wet the paper in key areas then quickly drying it helps it hold it's shape without ripping...( usually)
 I'll admit I'm hardly a pro...but I'm past the beginner stage...I'm more somewhere in between "Awesome! "  And "totally useless!"  However,  I can at least follow the diagram and have it look almost like the picture in the book.   So I guess that counts for something.  
Other than that...we begin work at ACT once again on another project.    So it is back to getting up early and drinking lots and lots of coffee while not letting the musings of high school students get me down.   High school students are great.    Full of optimism, attitude, and surprising, lacking in reality.   Perhaps I'm just saying that as a jaded adult.   No doubt real life skews your perception a bit when you hit 30...and then again at 40!  I can't wait till I hit 50!   By then, I will be Older,  Wiser, and totally useless to society.  If I have not given up on everything by then.  ( see what I mean?    Jaded!)  
  I should not be to down, though.   I mean,  Christmas is right around the corner!  And we DID mke some sales this year that were not that bad.   When you have high expectations,  things that fall a little short end up looking like failures...but's not that bad.    Especially if you listen to the Westminster Chorus singing " wouldn'tit be nice!"    great song...Great Chorus.   Enjoy!

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