Saturday, June 27, 2015

Running ( and Biking) With Butterflies.

red-admiralSo it has been a week since the big Marathon..and Cheryl is still in recovery mode.  It makes sense!  Most of her Books suggest taking an entire Month off of running.  But Cheryl does not want to let a good thing go..and is quite stubborn.  I guess that is what happens when you have a “Good Time” after a long time without one.   ( pretty much 2000-20010!)  Gotta Chase That Feelin’!Group of Red Admirable

So this morning,  we decided to try a “short” long run at the usual place.  By short, I mean 12 miles! 

We Prepared this time for the swarms of black flies that were inevitably waiting for us there.   Luckily,  there are some places in the US that still sell DEET in a spray can.   ( And just when you thought environmentalism had ruined EVERYTHING!) Mourning Cloak Deet is great ( take THAT Rachael Carson!)  Because it KILLS BITING INSECTS that land on you….not simply keep them away…but KILLS!   And is NOT dangerous to humans.  I could continue on the bad rap that DDT got back in the ‘70’s, but that is another post.   In the mean time, let’s just say the Bugs were suppressed for this morning’s run and we do not look like we are small pox survivors.Summer Azure

But slightly better than that….The BUTTERFLIES are out and blooming.  It has been about 10 years since I have seen an abundance of Red Admirables.  When we first arrived in Iowa back in 2010, there was a huge population of SulfursCluster of Sulfurs  and Buckeyes floating around.   But Red Admirables are one of my favorite butters and there was one year in Grand Haven where there seemed to be a population explosion!   It was only for one year….But for that one year, it was a simple matter to see hundreds on your afternoon walks.Question Mark

Well,  that is what it is like here in Wellman at the moment.   There are other butterflies as well,   Question marks,  Mourning Cloaks,  Summer Azures, and Variegated Fritillary's all join the pallet of colors.   It is like being in the butterfly garden in Michigan State….Or back by Maple River ( another great butterfly viewing area)  Fritillary

So, as of now, Cheryl is looking up her next Marathon.  Possibly in the Twin Cities…or in Omaha.   Maybe even both.  Summer Azure

I’m currently scoring PARRC and we are still on the SAT project…making it a fun week of reading papers.  I guess it is not all bad….since we need the money after all.   And employment beats unemployment when it comes to paying bills. 

Question MarkSo..if you liv e in Iowa,   Take a walk along a country road and see if you can find the Red Admirables in your area.   They are a sight to behold in large numbers!        

1 comment:

L. D. said...

We readily see the fritillaries and red admirals. I bet you will see the swallowtails on another outing. Some of those must hang around the rivers as we don't have them out here on the prairie. The drought for two years mess with all of out usual butterflies. Our monarch migration doesn't happen here anymore. Your running is getting to be quite an achievement. Being 65 yrs. old and I not going to pick it up as a side bar. Good luck to you both.


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