Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Little Perspective....

I'm sure 2016 was a bit of a shock to those people watching CNN and MSNBC. ( And reading the papers and all that other main stream Media.)    How could Donald Trump possibly win the Presidency?

It must have been a shock to anyone who never steps outside their bubble of  political ideology.   Iowa City is just such a place.   If you ever visit the city, you will see plenty of signs supporting your Democrat Hopeful...... But rarely do you even see a pickup truck with a Trump bumper sticker...   Leading you to believe that EVERYONE hates Trump and the real contest is all about which Democrat will 'we' choose to unseat him.

Just outside Kalona. 
But Cheryl and I get to travel OUTSIDE of Iowa city.   All you need is  to travel 5 miles into  the rural areas and you will get a different perspective.

Looks like someone does not share the Bernie Ideology...
Outside the University campus  and Liberal cities,   people do not "hate" Trump.   I would wager that they might actually like him,   It takes only a second to stick a Bernie sign in your yard...  possibly with he help of a Bernie Supporter.    But it takes REAL EFFORT to lug a HUGE TRUMP FLAG onto your barn. 

This kind of support takes effort.
This scene we noticed a few weeks ago when Bernie and Pete were duking it out for  first place.  Personally, I think Bernie was robbed of the #1 slot.  I might not like Bernie for his Policies, but I do like him for his Honesty.   And that is probably why the Democrats are doing everything they can to cheat or stop him out of the nomination.  ( Like they did when he ran against Hillary...) But I digress...
They might look funny,  but I don't think these guys are
"DEPLORABLE." ( And I don't own a Motorcycle!)

Maybe people should travel outside the city a little bit more.  Perhaps  they are aware of the competition and zeitgeist  support for the "Bad Orange Man."  But maybe they should stop pretending that the real world does not exist and everything you hear on CNN or read in the papers is gospel.   It will help them deal with the stress when Trump wins a second term.

Anyway,  enough Politics... I just wanted to show off the HUGE TRUMP sign on the barn. near our home.  You don't see that everyday... Ok,  I guess we will now...  Every time we drive home.  Until November... But it was an entertaining reminder that America is not all about "group think".   There are LOTS of perspectives and issues that the common man values.  We shall see how things turn out in November.


Susan said...

The thunderous applause you hear is coming from the North Georgia mountains! Yes, many of us love having
a president who delivers even more that he promised in his campaign. He really is the best president of my lifetime!
PS I followed you here from the Lone Wolf Concerto blog.

The Great Ethan Allen said...

Awesome! I didn't know he started following me. Very cool!

Far Side of Fifty said...

We feel the same way up here in Minnesota...the big city folks are Democrats and out state MN is mostly but not all Republican. I hate to be affiliated with one party or the other...but if push comes to shove I am a Republican...for many reasons. I had some big laughs the night Trump was winning the election...the media was so stunned...LOL. He has my vote...the Democrats just don't have anyone worth my vote:)


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