Sunday, February 2, 2020

Shorts, Cat Toys, and Cat Origami.

Shorts Weather.
Trail is wet, but clear. 
 The weather hit lower 40's today!   Cheryl broke out the shorts just for the occasion.   She was not alone!  There were lots of runners out today, taking advantage of the sun and pleasant temps.   One guy was running without a shirt on!  He might have been a little extreme.
Eagles are out! 
Sun is shining!

The Eagles were out in full swing.   Several people were taking "professional" pictures of them.  (meaning:  with good camera equipment...)   I snapped several pics just out of habit.
New feather from Craft store.
Old wands,  Missing feathers and
unnecessary bells. 

The cats have been tearing up the cat toys lately.   Mostly Leo the Part-Timer.   But Hiro has done more than his fair share of damage.   So.... Time to make some new ones.

Sorted for the discriminating cat.
Srip off the tips 
We visited the Hobby store and got some new feathers today.   I have been told by the cats that they did not like the pastel and odd mix of colors in the last feather wants.   Something to do about the light refracting hurting their eyes and causing disorientation.   Hey!  I'm not a scientist.. Or a cat.   I just do what the cats tell me.   And they told me to keep the colors segregated.
Ready for Hot Glue! 
Cut to  uniform the ends. 

So, a little sorting,   a little modifying, and Ta Da!   Clusters of Feather  ends.   If there was one thing that fly fishing taught me...  other than how NOT to catch fish... It was how to tie flies.   And Tying flies taught me about feathers and how you have to strip the ends off so you can have clean quills.  It is a very involved process.
New feathers. All the same color!

With several colors to choose from. 
With the quills clean ( tongue Twister!  Say that seven times fast!) Time to hot glue them into place.  BOOM!    New Cat toys...  without that annoying bell.  ( Apparently,  the cats do not like the "jingle, jingle" either...  So fussy!)   Time to test them out.

Will Hiro like them? 
Hiro seems to enjoy them.   He is older and lacks the "fervor" of Leo.  But he did genuinely seem interested in them for a while.   I know they will be a hit over time,  and that they will not last long if the cats "Really Like Them".  But then I get to repeat the entire process.   How fun!
Origami David Brill.
Cats love sitting in the sun. 

With a few extra moments of creative time, I managed to fold a  David Brill cat.   His version has been frustrating me for several months.. ( perhaps years!)  I finally made a breakthrough figuring out one of the "confusing steps" that his directions are a little shady on.   I'm sure it is by design that he makes his models difficult to fold.  But now,   I simply have to practice the model over and over to find the art and proficiency.  (Something I have been doing for the past three weeks!)  Sometimes it is a good idea to revisit models that have frustrated you in the past.   Sometimes you are able to fold them with a clear mind after taking a break of a year or two.  Perhaps I should revisit the ancient dragon again one of these days.   We shall see.
At least we got to run this weekend....

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.   Monday starts tomorrow... which means:  Work.   Reading papers, scoring papers,   and trying to keep upbeat all the while doing it.   At least I will have tonight to relax... a little.   And reading papers is not terrible.   I certainly have had worse jobs in the past.   I shall have to focus and tell myself that as we trudge in bright and early tomorrow.   Yea Scoring!     Thanks for stopping in.


L. D. said...

You have lived here long enough that our weather is quirky for sure. It was nice to get out and feel like we could take off our coats. I like how you both are makers and do a lot of things. My wife and I are both artistic and we have projects going on all the time. I do enjoy seeing the origami. We can't have cats anymore because a daughter-in-law is very allergic to cats.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I thought you would be warmer than 40! We were 37 on Sunday:) Yes made me smile but tonite we will go back below zero. Shorts and running reminds me that spring/summer will be coming soon. What a great folder you are! That looks like a perfect repair on the cat toys:)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Kudos to the wife...running in the cold weather, she's a trooper !
My cat toys are usually non-repairable lol, but I always keep a stack of new toys on hand. I've never though of trying to repair the feather toys, thank you for the suggestion, I may try that.


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