Trail run? Aren't those for People with a Death Wish? Or people suffering from depression... Or have deep seated psychological issues? Well, technically: Yes! On all accounts! So why in the world would Cheryl sign up for a 10 mile trail run in Illinois? Could it be a dark memory from her Childhood? A desire to hurt herself? Her utter failure as a human being in both life and career? One thing is for certain, it can't be from marrying me, because I'm awesome and possibly the best decision she ever made.
But enough of my positive influences. Let's talk about the race!
An early, chilly morning this morning. It eventually dropped down to 30 degrees on the way to Davenport.
Only when the sun was finally up did the fog disappear and the temps begin to heat up. We arrived early and scoped out the area. There was not much to explore.
This was a small race. with only 22 folks running the 10 miles and an additional 45 people running the 5K.
I personally like small venues, as I get a lot of freedom to be a spectator. No police blockades or race officials kicking me out of the best spectator spots. It also helps to be able to pick Cheryl out of the crowd.
She picked up her packet and prepared for the run. She even wore her Blue Ox hat for the little extra motivation to tackle the trail.
It was very hilly and steep. The trails were narrow and there were lots of roots to stumble over. Basically, this was completely different from a road race.
There were also a lot of loops! I'll spare you the figure 8 track she was on,
because I could stand in one spot and catch her multiple times. But those are not really the best pictures for the blog. So after she handed me her Hat and Mitts after the first loop, I headed up into the trees!
The race finished at the top of a steep climb. On the final loop, they were to turn left and head to the scenic overlook, where the finish was located. I climbed up and stood off the trail to catch her as she ran by. Most of those pics are terrible, since the trees blurred the picture badly. But, A few stop motion vids helped capture the moment.
Cheryl placed 7th overall female. She was almost perfectly in the "middle of the pack." Her average was an 11:30 minute Mile....
She fell only twice. That is a major achievement! Since most people did not fall at all. But knowing how Cheryl is over any terrain that is broken, uneven, or difficult, I'm amazed she finished with only a few scratches and a dirty hand. Come to think of it, It's amazing she finished at ALL!
Now you might be saying: "If you thought she could hurt herself on such a course, why let her do something so reckless?"
Folks, sometimes you have to throw your kids into the deep end of the pool to make sure the proper genes are passed on to the next generation. Is that unfair? Maybe... But life is unfair in this cruel world! And tough love is required to forge stronger individuals. Broken legs eventually heal, but the emotional scars will last a lifetime.
There were no medals at this race. No money prizes. No recognition for an outstanding achievement. Only a cookie for the top 10 individuals in each sex. That means two people ended up cookie-less.
See! Life is hard and unfair. (Perhaps the best award anyone could get is the knowledge that no matter how hard you struggle, you are not going to get a cookie...)
There was hot chili, coffee, hot cocoa, and Beer! Food for thought and drinks for the body and soul! I would give this a thumbs up, but Cheryl might have different plans for future trail races. This is the second trail race she has completed, and now that she knows she can do it, she may find that she no longer needs to prove anything to anyone... or herself.
By the way, we will be running in almost the same exact place tomorrow! Only this time it will be only 5 miles ( half as long) on a paved road. Oh! And there are supposed to be thunderstorms, lighting, lots of cold rain, and Tornadoes tomorrow! Good thing it is not a trail run... Because that would be very dangerous. If she survives, We'll see you tomorrow.
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