Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nothing Lasts Forever...

No more Runner's High.  Cheryl Turns into a Pumpkin. 
After a week and a half,  the Disney-like Euphoria that comes from running a sub 3:30 Marathon ( 3:24:24 to be exact!) was bound to wear off.   Cheryl has once again, turned into a pumpkin at the stroke of Midnight. ( Oh wait,  Cinderelle  turned back into  a janitor...  Who am I thinking of? )  Anyway,  the Spell has worn off.  Back to reality.

Which is depression.  And work. A life without a Goal,  And running for no other reason other than habit.    At the very least, the weather is warming a bit.  It managed to rise above 50 today... AFTER we finished the run.  Meaning: I froze on my bike for most of the way.   But Cheryl can at least run in shorts.   And she runs the entire 7 miles without stopping.   Something she could not do for most of the Summer.

Stockings continue to sell.   That perfect number between Too many and Too few.  Basically.. the Worst possible number.   Because if it were less,  we would have more time and could work on other things and would not have to worry about supply.   But if it were More,  Then we would have lots of money, but we would be exhausted working all day. 

Leave it to us to be dissatisfied with the "Best" of both worlds.   Too many sales to do anything else, and too little to have money to feel secure.  Just like every other human on the planet.

Not much else going on at the moment.  Just wanted to check in on the blog.   I feel antsy if I don't get to write something every couple of days.   Thanks for stopping in.

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