Monday, April 13, 2020

And Easter Bunny Gift... From The "Part-Time" Cat

Yesterday,  With all the stores closed and all the churches closed,  And...If you live in one of those police states...  All Stores offering Candy...   Were closed.  So how is one to celebrate Easter without Chocolate, Church, or Jelly Beans?   Well, leave it to a cat to figure that one out for you.

Leo... Cute, Furry,  And Dangerous!
He has a plan!  No Candy?
No Problem
Happy Easter!
Leo,  the Very Hairy, Part-Time, Outdoor cat came in last night bearing gifts.   It was raining dogs, cats, and apparently... Rabbits!   He comes in,   his fur-coat completely saturated from the rain,  with a small bunny in his mouth.   I didn't know cats could meow or hiss while holding a rodent of size in their mouth, but Leo proved that they can. 
Don't worry,  it's not moving anymore.

Luckily,  depending on your perspective,  the bunny was dead.   I, personally,  would rather receive a living rabbit, rather than a dead one.   But if it is a mouse, vole, mole, squirrel, snake, Bird of any type, or Rat... I don't mind if it is no longer moving.  I don't know, I guess I just have a soft spot for rabbits.
These things are the BEST toys!

Well Hiro was all excited.  But I think Leo intended it for us.  He was very protective of it, though he did not want to eat it personally.   Cheryl discouraged me from taking a "Good-Will Bite" out of it to show appreciation,  so we accepted the gift,  gave him lots of praise, and offered him his favorite treats.   While he was scarfing them down, I dried his fur, combed out his fluff, and Cheryl disposed of the rabbit.   Hiro was a little disappointed.

Ah,  cats showing love... by murdering cute animals and bringing  them to you on a holiday.  If that is not love... I simply do not know what else is.

Oreo Loves Rabbit for Dinner. 
The rabbit was outside until this morning,  after we brought it to the other outdoor cat's attention. (Rocket... He is the Neighbor's cat who thinks he lives here.) I'm willing to bet he ate it; as I have seen him and his Brother (Oreo)  carrying rabbits and squirrels before.   Ah well.. No evidence now!

A cold and VERY windy day today in Iowa.  We only ran about a mile and a half in the 35 mph wind. We later went out for a bike ride but only made it 6 miles before the cold and wind beat us back.  That wind was VERY cold.

Back home now and I spent the entire day messing with the Dancer video.  It was a little easier than the dragon, but finding music for the waltz was a bit of a challenge.  And my small, paper dancers were beginning to show a little wear and tear... Literally!   I was in a bit of a rush to get it finished before the dancers totally fell apart.  And for that reason..  Things may look a little rushed.

Hope everyone continues to survive....   And have a little fun while you are doing it.  It is becoming more and more of a challenge to find new things to dive into, but soon the Mushrooms will be out and I will be hunting them down....  Like an Adorable, furry, outdoor cat searching for the next Perfect Rodent Gift...

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

We had a cat that insisted on bringing us fresh meat, bunnies were her favorite but not mine. She was always so proud!

Tell Cheryl it might be a yarn bowl as I don't have one:)


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