Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Pleasant Temps Bring Snakes and Butterflies In Iowa.

Yesterday and today have been quite nice.  In fact, if Subie is to be believed,  it reached 80 degrees this afternoon!  (High of 72 was predicted)   It has made for some nice morning run/bike events outside at the Kewash Trail.   Cheryl and I have been going there to "avoid" crowds.   However, the Crowds do not seem to have the same plan for avoiding us.   Namely,  there are more people than EVER on the long forgotten Kewash Trail.   Just today we passed 20 people on the trail.   That is 18 MORE than normal for the distance we frequent.

For this reason,  we chose the "farmland" direction this morning.   Basically you run/bike out under the blazing sun with no cover, no tree,  and very little scenery other than the vacant corn fields.   It helps keep people who are looking for an outdoor experience away.   And it provided a relatively peaceful exercise run.

While in the run,  we stumbled upon a garter snake.  Looks like this guy has had a run in with a bike before. ( note the blemish near the middle section.)  He was sunning himself on the trail, and many times I have seen ones that have been run over by either vehicles or bikes.  I'm always careful to avoid them and the small milk snakes that are all over in the summer. Because... I love snakes!  And Garter Snakes are so pretty here in Iowa as the season presses on.  Bands of red and yellow are so much more flashy than the ones in Michigan. ( Maybe I just never saw the right ones...)

Also,  we have seen our share of Pheasants and Quail, along with a very pretty Fox!  Seeing the Fox is always a treat.  They are fairly common here, but do not show themselves very often.  He barked at us and ran down the path before I could snap a picture, but there was not mistaking the colors and tail.

Another thing about the nicer weather is that we have started to ride our bikes in the evening.  We are definitely out of practice for longer distances.   We rode 12 miles the first time and payed the price the next day.   Turns out,  age seems to amplify the aches and pains you acquire over a day of exercise.  Lots of folks were out this evening as well.  Again,  seems like we may have to take the "farmland" route if we want to avoid people.

And lastly,   I worked on another Origami Video.   I decided to make some new paper so I would not make them all with green or red colors.   However,  I did not have a rainbow of color schemes at my disposal.  Ah well.  It's all just for the experience.  I hope you Enjoy! 

Thanks for stopping in today.  I wish you all well and hope everyone is staying sane out there.   Being shut in will drive you crazy after a while.  ( No wonder Mom was Nuts!)


Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice butterfly! I don't like ssnakes...any kind:( I have a irrational fear from sometime in my youth....so deep seated I cannot recall it.

I am thinking if Cheryl is getting Poison Ivy from a pair of shorts that perhaps washing them in a bucket with really hot water and dawn dish soap...or Jewelweed Soap ...that is our stand by anytime we are out and about in it we wash with that soap.

Stay safe...just us walking out here...and it is still too cold for sssnakes...they are one reason I tolerate snow:)

Jon said...

I love the photos of the pheasant and the fox. Last summer there was a snake in my bedroom!! I think it was a King Snake but I'm not sure. It took me two days to finally get him out of the house.


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