Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Cheryl 's New Weapon Against Insects!

Just say NO to BUGS!
As mentioned in a previous post,  my wife has been at war with the various insect populations that infiltrate our borders.  We have nothing against the wildlife  personally,  but when the enter unannounced and uninvited...  Well,   our good manners disappear.

And so it is that Cheryl has decided to wage a kind of war.   I help sometimes....  if the spider is not too big and scary.  Mostly,  I lack the "Killer Instinct" that Cheryl has.   (I try to let the little guys back outside into the wild.)  Cheryl has all kinds of brutal methods  in her arsenal when it comes to dealing with them.  Crushing, pinching, flushing, taping Vacuuming...  even stepping on things if they mess is not to big.  And let's not forget her Chemical Warfare past...
A new and Fun way to dispose of Ants!

Bugzooka in ACTION!!
But yesterday,  the Bugzooka had arrived  and found the elusive middle ground that we both need.  Cheryl is very excited!

Five minutes!   Bugs are safely contained. 

She urged me to take it out for a spin;  and I did.   It works!   I was able to clear off the window,  and not harm a single queen ant!   Although I had  my own  secret agenda,  Cheryl warned me that enslaving them was not part of the deal.   Too bad.   I had big plans. I guess starting my own ant colony will not be in the cards...  for the moment.

Time to Release. 
The consolation prize for me was that I was able to take them outside and release them.   Mother nature actually cooperated by producing a pleasant day yesterday.    Although the temps dropped dramatically back into the 20's,   it was up in the 50's yesterday.  I'm hopeful that the little guys ( or girls) found some shelter from the cold and will begin their new brood in the spring.  OUTSIDE! 
Nudge Nudge!  Get OUT!  Enjoy your Freedom!

So now we have a method of insect removal that is humane and fun.   I would feel bad releasing them out in the cold now,  but it is better than any of Cheryl's previous methods.
I wonder what else I can use it on. 

Plus,  I think the cold only slows the ants down, but does not kill them if they can find some shelter in the leaves of underground.  I can't wait to try the BugZooka on some of the other "problem insects" in the spring.  Not that I hope for more home invasions.   It's always best it they stay outside.

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