Monday, January 15, 2018

Cold Wind, Cold Snow, New Wipers, And Old Job Demo...

Too Cold to Run
Makes Cheryl ANGRY!!!
The extreme cold has not let up yet.   It snowed last night, and along with the snow came a bitter biting windchill!   Cheryl, smartly, elected to take another day off.   That wind was ( and currently still IS!) Brutal!    So we decided to take another "Happy Day" for Cheryl and Ethan as Cheryl's knee recovers. 

With Macarons!
Time to have a Happy Day....
So what do we do on "Happy Days"?   You might be surprised that our lives are not all sunshine and roses...  Even thought that is the false narrative I choose to show here.    Usually,  Happy days consist of laying on the floor, eating macarons, and reading fashion magazines.  ( Or watching YouTube videos, petting the cat, and playing video games...)  Many people might think of that is boring... and yes!   It is!    We are mostly bored....  because we are boring people in real life.

Time to change Wiper Blades.
The Improvement is OBVIOUS!
But we also go to Iowa City and look around.   Sometimes buy things.   Today,  we decided to replace the wiper blades to the Subaru.   I can't remember the last time we did it..but it must have been a while.    The change in performance was immediate, noticeable, and vastly improved!    We can now see through the wind shield after a truck splatters us with mud and road salt.

Old Scoring Building coming down.
Today's Progress...
We also were able to catch the demolition of our old workplace.   The building of the College Board field test is being destroyed, and I'm not sure if they plan on building something else there.   I don't even know how old the building actually was.   But over he last two days,  we have been able to capture the process as we ate our McDonald's Happy Meals from across the street.  My guess is the actual structure will most likely be completely destroyed by tomorrow. We shall see.

So time to make some hot tea and get back to being bored.  Or relaxing....  What ever the best term might be.   Perhaps the weather will let up tomorrow and Cheryl's knee will magically heal itself.   Then we can repeat what we normally do....  which is just like today... only with running/biking at the beginning of it.   Thanks for stopping in.


inknik0400 said...
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inknik0400 said...

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