Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Fighting Boredom With The Cat.

My kind of Winter Activity.
With the Snow Deep, the Temps Cold, the Wind Gusty, and Cheryl scoring...  Looks like I will have to entertain myself today.   This is not really a problem for me,  since I flourish in lazy activities such as "boredom."  Boredom is such a derogatory term.   How about unfocused, unscripted relaxation...   Yeah!  Kinda like that.

But when I engage in relaxing activities for too long,  Cheryl gets concerned.    She says that she is "worried" about my health and lack of physical activity.   That sitting on a couch for hours at a time is really bad for me.    But I know it is because she can't stand seeing me have fun while accomplishing nothing of note.  (Not True!  I have unified the Federation in one of my New Video games....  Ha!   Lazy?  I think NOT!)
Because the Galaxy does not Save itself!
Cheryl's project.... For ME!?!?

So she purchased several blinds and has instructed me to put them up.  While it is true that the old blinds were showing their age;  And it may be true that I'm taller and can reach the upper window sill easier.   But I think that  the real reason is that she wanted to keep me busy while she was scoring today.
Call me DareDevil!
Let's Get to Meowin'!

No matter!   I actually enjoy putting up blinds!   Call me handy.   Call me "Super Blind Man".   (Actually,  that sounds like a "handy-capped"superhero... Like DareDevil.)  I saddle up the cat,  Dig out my Tools, and get to work!

Some fine tuning...

A little ingenuity.
The Blinds give you all kinds of attachments to do the job.   But I discovered that, despite all these goodies,  I still have to make my own modifications.   Still,  they fit perfectly and no one can tell the difference from across the room. ( and it is a LOT easier to install)
And up it goes!

Time to Trim the unneeded part.

After they have been put up,  I have to do the "adjusting".  Back in the day,  when my mom discovered these things,   she left the extra length attached.

Take out the heavy bottom.

Re-thread the cords.

All Done!  Repeat 3 more times.

The added blinds really were annoying to deal with whenever you wanted to pull up the slats. For years, I thought that was how it was done. 

Then I discovered you can "trim" them.   In the end,  They are tailored to the window and fit perfectly.
Another Achievement?  

It really is not that difficult....just a little more time-consuming than I would like.    But I do it...because I'm AWESOME!

Hiro "helps" by watching me work. 
With all that hard word out of the way,  I can now sit back and Play with the cat.   He was very helpful while I was putting the shades up.  We have many things in common.... Including our play styles.

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