Our ( Cheryl's) Family |
Another relative visit within a week of the last one. Talk about exhausting! So this is why people hate the holidays... Not because of the food or toys...but family!
So eager to be entertained. |
Just kidding. We love having Cheryl's fam over so they can experience the
AWESOMEness of
Iowa. ( That is a joke, for those of you who do not live in Iowa....) Yes, Iowa! Corn, Pigs, And No Trees. All of that is a
slight exaggeration, but will encompass most of the state. So you can imagine our dilemma when we are forced to entertain folks. There is a high probability of failure. Or at least... Failure!
Walk along the Mississippi. |
But every now and then, Iowa provides us with a surprise we never knew. Sure, It is a large state. And Yes, we have not seen
all of it. But after living here almost 10 years and seeing the same things all over the state, you really have to hunt for the unusual. With that lead up.... On with the story
A few Grain trucks were running. |
Cheryl wanted to show Jules and Mike Muscatine. Because Muscatine has the Mississippi river and Tee's. We also enjoy running and riding there, so we have thoroughly checked the places out. ( Or so we thought.) We knew that it might be a problem if we could not do outdoor activity, but took the risk anyway. ( Because there was always Tee's, and that is indoors.)
And so did we... From the Wind and
cold. |
Well, The wind and lack of sun left us cold and numb after visiting the River. There was very little activity by the grain elevator and barges. In the end, we ended up running back to the Subaru for some heat and shelter from the cold. Walk along the Mississippi: Fail!
On to Tee's! Warm Food. Warm
Environment! |
But by that time, Tee's was open and we enjoyed our lunch. That was a success! The food was good and they seemed to enjoy their sandwiches/burgers as much as we normally do. Lunch at Tee's :Winner!
Wild Cat State Park. |
But what now? We were still on the east side of the state, and Mike and Jules had fun with us last time hunting for Mushrooms. This late in the year and with the weather being cold and odd, I had my doubts if the mushrooms would even make an appearance. BUT.... We did know of a place where there were some trees and wilderness. We took them to Wild Cat Den State Park.
Are those.... Trees? |
Boyscouts and others were there
as well. |
Trail leads to some caves. |
Totally clueless, we rolled the dice and hoped for a good time. We were pleasantly surprised! There were trails, a few mushrooms and some really great scenery to take in. The mushrooms, mostly, was a bust. But the Stumbling onto the caves and cliffs was an exciting find and moment of discovery.
Mike in the "Bowl" |
The boy scouts where there camping and fixing trails/picking up litter. There were other people there as well. Quite a busy place for a cold, windy, overcast day in Iowa.
On the Edge of Infinity.... |
Jules under the ledge. |
We took lots of Pictures and brought a few mushrooms home for Identification. Overall, Wildcat Den State Park: BIG WIN!
Cheryl climbing out. |
Mike on the Roots. |
Back home, We dropped them off at their hotel room to rest and freshen up. Cheryl and I did the same. When they arrived at our apartment an hour or so later, we wanted to make them a Stocking for their cats.
Stanley on a Stocking. |
Time for Allenbrite Magic! |
They had already brought us a bunch of treats and gifts for our cat and the Subie. Cheryl wanted to return the favor. Let's make them something unique!
Mike and Jules with the
cats |
Julie looks pleased. |
With Jules and Mike there providing plenty of pictures and details, we showed them how the magic happens at Allenbrite Studio. They seemed to enjoy the experience. Allenbrite Studio Cat Stocking procedure :Success!
But then on to dinner. We had big plans for French Dip sandwiches with our Panini press with some Sweet potato fries. But timing and cooking all was rather jumbled. Cheryl's Honey Mustard Dipping sauce lost its thickness, Mike and My sandwich got cold, The au jus was cold as well. Just not the best experience we could have asked for. Special Panini Press Dinner: Failure!
Hide and seek in the forest... |
But other than that, we did have a good time. Even the disasters have their moments to remember. ( Usually bad stuff, though.) At least Mike and Julie did not get SOAKED like Andy and Tanya. Fun times with Cheryl and Ethan. I can imagine we have secured a place for ourselves at the Thanksgiving table as the two groups compare their "Adventures" with us over Turkey and Pie. Hopefully, we will at least get a laugh or two. (Hopefully)
The Iowa Colors: Yellow Brown and green... all represented. |
So that is all. A bunch of pics with them and I have to narrow them down to fit on the blog. Perhaps they will check in and read a few of the lines for a chuckle. We shall see.
Posing with a Mushroom. |
"Artist's Bracket" with a message. |
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Weekend so far. The temps are warming slightly today, and the Sun is out at least. Cheryl just finished a 17 mile run with no problems. All that Raspberry Pie she ate last night is working its magic
. ( PIE POWER!) It's becoming more and more like Fall now, so I'm sure Snow will be here soon enough. Thanks for Stopping in.