Thursday, August 6, 2020

Bike Trouble?... Trouble no longer! ( Hopefully.) And The Golden Tortoise Beetle.

All of the above!
Today, I finally received the missing part for my Trek Mountain bicycle.  (Or Mountain Bike.... even though there are no mountains in Iowa...  Maybe Gravel Bike?  That is what the Brits call them I think.)  Anyway   About two weeks ago, ( Has it really been that long?)   I replaced the chain because it was slipping off of the gears.   The chain arrived and I put it on.  It was not very difficult with a chain breaker tool and  a chain pliers.  It was late at night, but I was eager to get it on before the next morning's ride.
Is it bad when it looks like this? 
Turns out,  it ended up slipping even MORE!.    How could this be?   Well,  "apparently"  you have to change the rear cassette if you let your bike chain ware further than you should.   I think I have never changed mine since I purchased it two years ago.    We average 7-20 miles a day..  hmm..  Perhaps I should have done it earlier?
Is this the right thing?  Looks odd. 

But ...Whatever!  I'll just order a rear cassette now and everything will be better!  Right?  One Week Later!  It arrived. 

No lowest gear? 
It looks a little different from the one I had on the bike before.  Hmm... Maybe this is a newer, better version?   It says it is a "downhill" cassette so the bike chain will not slip off your lowest gear and rip up your spokes.   Sounds good to me.   However...

There is nothing I can't handle
with a Dremel Tool!  I used to carve
The plastic guard on the largest gear would not set properly on the wheel hub.   Even after Dremel-ing a small groove to fit it snugly,  it still wobbled and threw off the chain.   Looks like I may have to buy a new one.

Doesn't look like the chain
de-railer will work...
Luckily,  they are not terribly expensive.  And I still save money if I can avoid the "World of Bikes" bike shop.   So Cheryl orders another one.  ( We read a little closer this time.  I go with a Shimano because that is what the bike mostly has as accessories.)

Flat tire... From a Thorn? 
One patch later....  all fixed! 
Another week later!  It arrived today!  But not before I got a flat tire!  Yep!  A small little tiny tiny thorn managed to poke through the rubber outerwall and punch a hole in the tube.  Luckily,  I had a pach kit that actually WORKS and fixed it without any hiccups.  Hey,  I might almost be "competent" when it comes to bike maintenance!

Looks better. 

Fits better! 

So it finally arrived today, but Cheryl would not let me put it on before out evening ride.   ( She was probably afraid I would botch it again if I had a time crunch on me.... She knows me so well.) I have been riding my bike in 7th gear the entire time.. It turns out that that is the ONLY gear that does not slip... probably because I never use it during my normal rides.   But I just finished putting on the new cassette and took it for a test run.   Seems to be all fixed.   I still will have to adjust the gears so they match the switcher later... but for tomorrow at least,  I should be able to ride in the lower gears as God intended. ( I do not "race" while biking along side Cheryl as she runs.)
And it WORKS!  
Well there it is.  A New Bike chain,  Bike Tire Repair, and Two New Cassettes...  one that actually WORKS! ( so far, anyway)   And it only took 2.5 weeks to complete!   Most people would take it to the shop and get it done in a day... maybe even an afternoon.... But not me!  I can't see spending the extra $40 to get it done properly the first time by a professional.  I would rather limp it along for half a month as I wait for improper parts to arrive from China... so I can save money and Show off my almost dangerous bike fixing skills.   That is just how I roll!
Smooth Chanterelles. Only a few
Mushroom hunting in Coralville. 

Hope everyone is enjoying their evening this evening.  It is the last pleasant day we are to have here in Iowa for the next few weeks... I guess.   We could certainly use some rain.  Cheryl and I went Mushroom Hunting  this morning and only found a small handful of Chanterelles and Russulas.   Even the Deadly Web-caps were not out!    I guess everyone is waiting for rain.     Normally Mushrooms start popping out in late august again anyway.   And then the Chicken of the woods and Hen of the Woods will be out.   I can't wait! 

Golden Tortoise Beetle. 
What is this gold thing on this
One last note.   I saw  another  really cool insect along the Bike path the other day.  A Golden Tortoise Beetle!   I was only able to snap this blurry picture before it jumped away. ( apparently,  Cheryl said it jumped!)   A little research on Google show much better pics.    It's something you don't see everyday here.   Thanks for stopping in.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Pretty Beetle! Hope your repair works!


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