Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Silver Lining Of The Pandemic...

Silver Lining. 
I have been wanting to post something like this for a while, but Cheryl made the observation a couple of days ago that matched my own;  giving me the motivation to finally tackle it.

What if the Pandemic was actually a "good" thing?   Hear me out for a sec, because there are lots of "New Normal-ers" and "New World Order" activist out there wanting to fabricate the world in their own image.. and, from the mask, to the forced vaccinations,  it does not look like  something  anyone will enjoy.

But if you look and listen to people...  really listen to them.  You may hear a hint of good thing.  I personally have already had this "Eureka!" moment  20 years ago:  Work is hard!  And often keeps you from the things you love.  Why do we work so hard these days?   Competition?   Greed?  wanting more and more and more all the time.  Maybe fear!   Fear of losing your job,  being cast out,  a dead beat, broke, in debt, hunted by creditors, hunted by the IRS, anxiety, depression when you can't find a job that was equivalent, hungry, unemployable, lonely,   shamed, and forgotten by society once you no longer contribute.    Maybe all of the above!

But what makes you happy?   Is it really money?  Well, I will be the first to say that money certainly helps. (Especially since we often have limited funds...)   It can  help provide food and shelter, and gifts, and clothes, and gas for the Subie...But just how much do all of those things cost?   Isn't' time WITH you kids just as important as feeding them?   Time with your wife, your cats, your dogs, your friends....   Time.  Time with you.  Time with them.   Time is something a job will not allow you much of.   Spending 1/3rd of your life working... for an idea that is supposed to make you happy. But time is limited for everyone... no mater how rich or poor you happen to be at any moment.   I wonder if people actually wonder why they are not happy working all of the time. 

And then... everything stopped.
And that is where the Pandemic comes in.   It forced all of America and most of the world to stop.  STOP!   Stop and think.  People  were forced to spend time with those annoying brats they call children.   That horrible wife/husband.   Those loud and slobbery dogs that eat everything and are overweight, out of shape, and undisciplined.  And two things happened. 

One,  The family unit was seen as a thing to be avoided.   They want to go back to work to get back into their world of bliss.   Perhaps it forces them to come to the hard truth that their work and their world are  not what they really wanted.   This happened to the People above us.   Cheryl predicted that the Pandemic would destroy their marriage/ living together arrangement.  (Given the arguing that we could clearly hear through the floor.. and walls,, and ceiling.)  My thoughts are that anxiety and fear won the day and broke them up. 

But there is another side.   I think a better side.  People are working from home!  Who would have ever thought that possible?   Back in 1918, many people were farmers.   You live and worked with your family.  Today,  they say  things are different.   Global economies require people to travel, work long hours, and sell their soul to the company if they want to have "nice things".   But being forced to work from home has revealed that that was all an untruth.  In actuality,  people can work from home and be with their family once again.   More time to spend with the kids, the wife,  eating a home cooked meal. More personal time doing the things that make you happy...

Corruption from the people who
are supposed to help us. 
There are other things.  The pandemic revealed the incompetence of Government.   The reason for the Founding Fathers to put the 1st and second amendment in the  constitution. How quickly those in charge will seize  control and take those rights away.  How the Media misinforms you to keep you anxious and scared all the time.  How the Teacher's unions have failed our children and created citizens who hate America, its rights, privileges, and its history.   How all those global agreements with China were NOT favoring America in the long run. How essential those "non-essential jobs" actually were.   And just how valuable the police actually are during a riot. 

So what do I hope for?   Well.... I want people to breathe.  Take a deep breath and hold it for a second before letting it out and realizing that they should be grateful for it.   As long as you can still breathe and think, and make decisions,  life is not that bad.   And then I want them to focus on how the Pandemic has forced many of them to take a break from the Rat Race.   
You are your own boss...
Are you enjoying your home time with the kids, the dogs, the cats, the spouse?  Are the finally able to fix that thing around the house that they never had the time to be bothered with?  Will they have to teach their kids math or reading or history?   I believe parents will be better teachers in EVERYTHING!  Better than the Government funded strangers who do not care.  ( Some teachers do care....  they do not last long in the current system.)   Basically, I want a new American Citizen that is smart, proud, and competent.   I would like more entrepreneurs and small, local businesses.  I want handshakes and smiles to return.  I want the freedom to move or stay put; to follow, or go your own way; to work full time, or work part time.  I want kids to be able to explore the America I grew up in, instead of being force taught to hate it and everything about it. 

I guess what I want is what I'm afraid we were losing in that Global Economy.  Unskilled labor, a disengagement from one's work and family,  and a lack of purpose or being that we all must find for ourselves, was being pushed upon us from all sides.  I think Americans have been shown a side of the world that was not good.  A corrupt ruling class, an unfair trade agreement, and a lost generation of citizens.   Like we had gone to war, only the generation is still here:  Burning, looting, hating the US for issues that happened 100 years ago.   ( And we ended those issues. after a bloody Civil War!)
They actually made a poster from this quote!  How cool
is that? 

And all of this was a terrible Pandemic that effected the world.   As Mr Rodgers used to say,"Search for the 'Helpers.'  You will always find people who are  helping."  ( Hey!  I found the quote!  Who would have thought someone would made that an "Inspirational quote."  I remember it from his book.)  Look at the people cleaning the Graffiti, cleaning the streets, helping strangers who have been hurt.   I hope people do end up seeing the things I see.  And make this world a better place for everyone,  Starting with their own family, their own town, their own state, and their own country. 

This ended up bring way too long.   And it is all over the place. Sorry....Thanks for reading this far, if you managed to endure my dissertation.


Far Side of Fifty said...

I am sick and tired of whining Mothers who want school to be in session because their kids have been home since March...why in the world did they have children if they didn't want to take care of them in good times and bad? And they had to cook because eating places were closed...ya think? Husbands had to talk to wives and kids and do "stuff" around the house...oh my....such an insult to their manhood. What a bunch of brats....want everything done for them.
Oh I forget it is all Trumps fault...everything is his fault.
I am pretty tired of Politics too and the News...I will watch on election night to see how they handle the news again:)

Val Ewing said...

Thanks for the link! In my neck of the woods and my small community of about we have 5 families on the ridge. Only 2 families with kids. One mom teaches English classes to children in Wuhan China until 8am. Then she monitors and works with her own children in a home school program that the kids are loving.
Last week dad's company shut down with too many Covid-19 infections. He has worked from home now while in quarantine.
Point is? Mom loves her new life, she claims it is better than being the soccer mom who was always running somewhere.
They seem to be more on the same page now than they were a year ago.
For them, it is a silver lining.
For me? Not much has changed.
I still am the sole care giver for hubby and the farm.
Great post, thank you.


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