Saturday, August 1, 2020

Bubble Trouble With The Neighbor.

Men never really grow up...right? 
Flying kites in the yard. 
It has been well documented by the blog, that I am  still just a kid when it comes to playing around with toys and bugs and things make messes.  I must admit, I am painfully aware of how it looks when a "man" of my years is out in the park playing with kites,  chasing butterflies with a net, and catching frogs and snakes with his bare hands.  I see the people pointing and whispering to each other.
Cheryl makes things
seem less weird...

Is this strange?  Only if I do it alone. 
Luckily,  I have Cheryl to even out the oddness.   One guy alone in the park flying a kite is odd and weird.   But a guy flying a kite while his wife watches is merely "Eccentric".    I like that take.   Even though it simply means:  Weird, but in a good way... And  mostly harmless.

With that lead in I will begin to explain the odd chain of events that got me to consider blowing bubbles as a "fun thing to experiment with" today.  Why bubbles?   I shall explain the long thought process that plagues me during sleepless nights.
Is this an actual Career?!? 

I was watching a "Ted Talk" about "Bubble Masters"  ( People who blow bubbles on stage.. for a LIVING!  Who the heck was this guy's career counselor?)   They are able to perform feats of bubble magic by using a "super secret Family recipe for bubble making... passed down from generation to generation!"   The recipe is carefully guarded..  or so they say.

What Methylcellulose does to
This got me to thinking:   I bet the secret ingredient is methylcellulose  The Same ingredient I use for making paper.   I happened to have a large stash of it and thought I would mix some up and give it a test run.

As it happens,   there is a kid upstairs... Who is NOT my friend and  I do not like...  very much. ( Really!)  He decided to join my in my bubble experiment in the yard.   And wouldn't it just happen that he had an entire "kit" for making large bubbles.  ( Tray, bubble wand, and so on.)  All he was missing was the liquid for making the bubbles.    Can you say Serendipity?

Well,  I must say that I was feeling like the mixture was a success!   I may have to tweak the ratios a bit, but the bubbles were quite large and able to hold their shape for a good duration.   I believe it was superior to simply adding soap to water and hoping for the best.

That is...  When "The Kid "wasn't  busy chasing the bubbles and breaking them.      I actually thought he would want to "make the bubbles"  but I guess he has more fun chasing and popping them.   I guess I can understand... Who doesn't like popping the bubbles in bubble wrap?

I finally talked him into trying to catch them with his hands.   ( WithOUT popping them.)   It appears the only thing funner than chasing the bubbles and popping them was chasing the bubbles  with slimy hands so he could catch them.

Thankfully,  the mixture ran out just  as he was getting bored.  I believe the experiment was a success despite  his help. And maybe, on a day when the Humidity is high and the temps are cool,  I will adjust the ratios of the mixture again and see if I can make the bubbles larger and longer lasting.   I guess the kid helps in diverting attention from a middle aged man playing with bubbles.   Possibly better than Cheryl.  That being said,   I doubt I will be knocking on his door for advice on bubbles or snowmen anytime soon. 

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

He looks like a harmless kid. I have a bottle of bubble stuff around here someplace...if you live in the country no one notices weird stuff :)


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