Friday, February 11, 2022

Two Days, 20 Miles. And A New Key For The Cherry Bomb!

Running 10 miles is a pretty big deal.   Sure, it is not 20 miles,  but it is certainly farther than I have ever run at any given time.  And if you add in that Cheryl has run 10 miles each day for the last two days,  that adds up to 20 miles!  So... Still a pretty big deal!

But Enough about Cheryl and her running...  Yes, yes,  Running!  Further, Faster, Fantastic Fanatic!   I did not bother taking pictures of her running because they all pretty much look the same.... And I forgot my camera on both days.   But even if I had remembered,  I probably would not have taken many pics.

The conditions for these two days of excess exercise have been problematic.  Yesterday was cold, icy, and windy.  Today was warmer with puddles and a vast upgrade to the wind.   Imagine hitting an invisible wall of air as you climb up hills and slosh through puddles.  Both Cheryl and I had to change our clothes after the run because we were soaked.  (And I was on a BIKE!)   Yes, riding through melted ice puddles will water-log your shoes and pants.   But we survived!  And Cheryl got her extra training in before the REAL bad weather hits us... which is happening as I write this right now.   But I digress...

The REAL reason for this post is to brag how we got our second key for the new Subaru.    Why is this a big deal?  Because it was a $$$BIG DEAL!$$$   And Who does not love saving money?

The Subaru Dealer quoted us over $300 to cut and program a new key for the 2009 Subaru Impreza.   Now, I KNOW everyone wants a Subaru.   But I never thought of Subarus as being high on the "Grand Theft Auto" scale. I could easily get sidetracked  on a rant about "Car Security" and how the chipped key would most likely NOT stop a car thief from stealing your beloved Subaru... But I will resist the temptation.   I personally think the entire thing is a scam the Dealers use to extort loyal customers.  

But thankfully, there are folks out there  that help fight the system.   HEROES!  For the Common man!  For Subaru Enthusiasts who have limited resources and an aversion to being taken advantage of.  Heroes like Mike!

Mike's Car Locksmith specializes in Car Ignition Keys.  He said that is pretty much all he does.   I can believe it when other Cars are going crazy over-engineering their ignition systems with expensive computer chips and unreliable technology.   His entire process took less than 20 minutes from when we arrived at his shop. In comparison,  the Subaru Dealer said it would take  3 days after they establish that we actually own the car.   They would have to send away for the key and, three days later, they would cut and program it.  Mike did all of that in 20 minutes!   And... for $85 bucks!   

I still find $85 bucks a bit of a sticker shock... But after hearing other people's nightmare stories  ( Some over $500!) of dealerships... I was grateful for the service and the price!  And all because of some stupid computer chip shortage for a security system that is questionable, at BEST, for thwarting a Car Caper.

So we finally have a spare key for the Cherry Bomb Subaru.  Meaning:  Both Cheryl and I now  have our own keys.   I wrote a glowing review for Mike's Google Search page and I hope he gets flooded with Business as a result.  ( Well, not too much.  He is just a one man show.   How about enough to keep him happy until he retires....)   

Tomorrow.   Miserable!   Cold with -18 wind chill.   And the wind is already screaming outside.   I'm not sure how motivated Cheryl will be tomorrow, but I know I will not be eager to freeze my nose off.   And if the puddles from today are frozen tonight,  they will provide a serious skating obstacle for both of us.   I can hardly wait. At least it was a pretty sunset two days ago.   Maybe we can bring back those warmer temps after this...  Fingers crossed.


Val Ewing said...

Yikes. It was something the past two days! Warm to slushy mushy and puddles to ice yesterday afternoon.
They even closed roads here because no one could get up and down hills!
Stay cozy and don't freeze your nose off!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yes the Dealer told us if we lose a key it was at least 250 to get a new one...sad day when a key is so expensive. Glad you found someone that could do it cheaper!


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