Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Wind, The Mural, And The New Toilet!

 The last few days have been very blustery.   And when the temps drop, they become rather cold as an additional form of torture.  But we continue to run and bike in the gale forces.   If there is one thing that is good, we gain the appreciation for a warm Subie ride home and a fresh piece of mostly guilt free pizza.  

Despite the wind,  the sun has been out and warms things just enough if you are able to get out of the breeze.   For this reason,  I give in to the temptation of chalking and head down to the park to continue work on my mural.   It looks like it is taking shape, but in reality, it is just a Hodge Podge of  little scenes I snipe from the internet.  I might be able to add something a little more sophisticated if the Printer worked.

New Toilet!

And finally,   the Highlight of the day!   We got a new toilet.   

I know what you are thinking:  "Why would you need a new toilet?" 

What is that?  That was not the question you were thinking?   "Why am I so excited about a NEW toilet?"   Well,   who wouldn't be?   It is NEW!  And it has Technology!

First,  It is elongated and taller than our old one.   Second,  it has two flush types!

Two Flush setting!  Science!

Two!   You can flush small or.... For the sake of Cheryl... You can flush BIG!  (What?    Is the topic of Bowel movements too sensitive for you, dear reader?   Well think about the importance of saving the planet!)

Did I lose some of you?   Did my transition from Toilet to Planet saving require more connected dots? Come to think of it, I might have digressed too far even for myself.   So I will now attempt to get back on track.... Ah yes!   Reason three!

The Slow closing toilet seat!   How does it do that?  SCIENCE!   I can now drop the lid and not damage it or wake Cheryl up at night after a midnight bathroom run.   AND....  I won't forget to leave the seat up.  ( Hopefully...  Because the last two points are the main reason I forget to put it down in the first place.) 
The toilet is new, so we will need some time to "break it in." (Feel free to use your own imagination on how....)  And see if it will continue leaking and making noise, like the last one did.  Currently,   there are no sounds coming from the bathroom.... From the toilet at least.

Game of "Thrones."

And who wouldn't be thrilled and excited about getting a new toilet.... Elongated!  They don't call it the THRONE for nothing, you know.   A Man's home is his castle... and the Toilet is the Throne on which he rules.    ( I got that from a "Married With Children" episode....)   It may not be a Ferguson.... It may not even be a Gerber...  But it is mine.  And it is Elongated!


Did I mention that I got to help install it?   That is correct!     Don't be fooled by the two bolts that keep it on place.  The REAL secret to proper installation is the Wax seal.   Get that right, and everything else is window dressing.  

Well,  that should give you a hint of the exciting life we lead here in Wellman, Iowa.   Nothing stirs the imagination like a new toilet install.  Except maybe gardening.... Or mowing one's lawn.  If people really get bored around here, they cut down another tree or replace their roof.  No wonder folks from Chicago want to live here in Iowa.   It is just such an exciting place to be.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Yeah for a new toilet!! The explosion was great! Made me smile:) The Mural is coming along nicely, lots of kids doing fun stuff!

Val Ewing said...

Nice toilet! A leaking noisy toilet is never a good thing, very annoying.

Running in the wind if it is cold is never very pleasant. The mural is wonderful!

Jon said...

Modern technology has become too complicated for me to absorb. That new toilet with all the features would intimidate me. However, I DO know how to replace the wax ring - - I've done it several times.

It's extremely windy here in TN and severe storms are expected tonight. I'm hoping that no trees will topple...


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