Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Blog Post To Satisfy My Laziness.

Hardcore in the Rain!
"Rain and Wind" makes you
Appreciate "Warm and Dry"
 Every now and then I feel like if I don't post Something,   my day is simply meaningless.  And even if I post a "Hey! How's it Going?"  Post,   I feel a small sense of Accomplishment.     And so it seems that this post will be one of those.

Check out the back of her pants legs!
Well,  what do you say about a couple of days of nothing?    I actively look for the Mole Hills that can be fashioned into Mountains with my prose.  Sometimes I have to actively dig for those stories.

Soaked below  the Gore Tex 
Yesterday, it rained.   And we chose to walk out in it.  Mostly because we are stupid.   Or, if spun properly..."Hard Core!"  Mostly being wet, cold, and miserable serves only to make you appreciate how nice it feels to be warm, dry and comfortable.   Like a dim  flashlight in a very dark cave. 

Sunny today.

Slightly easier where there is no Ice.

Oh!  And did we get soaked!   The Wind was strong enough to really keep the chill on while also refusing to dry us off.   Not that the wind was ever going to dry us...  in fact, it probably got us more wet by blowing the rain sideways.     The bright note was that once we got home,  we felt as if we had to do nothing the rest of the day.   (Not exactly true.   Each night we still go out for a walk.)

The Ice looks ALIVE today...
Today,  the temps are slightly warmer with bright sun.  Causing the ice to gloss over and become Uber Slippery. And with the Sun to our backs,  we could not see the slippery parts until we were on it!   Very angrifying!   (Yes, I just made that word up!)

So now,  we are home again,   with the entire Sunday at our fingertips.   And I feel like I should do at least one thing that can qualify me to myself as "productive".   So blogging seems like the natural thing to do.   I guess I could do a few minutes of Duolingo.    Forcing myself to learn another language is usually a plus in my agenda.  Otherwise,   Play my game,  pet the cat, and perhaps...If I'm really motivated,   continue writing my book.  We shall see.

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