Tuesday, March 12, 2019

One of Those days... Yoga With The Cat.

Kind of...  
Today is one of those days where I'm convinced  that the sole purpose of every other human on the planet is to inconvenience me in every  thing I do.  From cutting me off so they can turn two lanes over, to running out of my favorite pop or coffee....  Everything  is fair game today. 

Trying not to let things ruin my day. 
Oh!   Don't get me wrong.    I know better than to think this on a permanent level.   I realize that this world is far better with folks growing our food,  manufacturing our cars, and delivering our goods.  To do all of those things,  we need people.   I'm not arguing that.   But every now and then we encounter an imbalance of "other people"  where we would just assume they not be there taking up our space or breathing our air.  It happens from time to time.
Cheryl runs.   Warmer weather.

Icy Conditions. 
I could go off on the customer service field...   When they do their job right,  very few people notice.  But I do!  And sometimes I acknowledge it.  And when they do it wrong... I am usually very patient.    Sometimes.

Look more like walking,  But she did
run today. 

But today,  I'll admit, my levels of patience were used up fairly quickly.   And it probably did not take much to push me over the edge.  Not in a postal way!  But in the way where you think you should just go home and forget everything you were trying to do.  People cutting in line, Asking if you need help and then not providing it.  And ultimately...Not finding what you were looking for all the while.   It makes me wonder why or how I even go shopping at stores anymore.

And are cheaper than Therapy. 

Hiro and I do Yoga. 
But now we are home and I can write out the demons in my blog.   Also...  I have the cat.   Cats are great for bringing you back to Earth.  At least there is something here that doesn't totally suck!  (Not that all humans do.   Just when you get too many of the bad kind in your daily diet....)

I have a Yoga Rug,  Hiro has Yoga
Remember to Breathe!  Very important!
 There!   I feel better.   See how easy that was?   And I did not have to pay a therapist for the time.   I just have to pet the cat some more....  and give him a taste of my lunch.   ( What a bargain!)

Yoga with the cat.   Cats are already flexible.  So they don't really need to prove anything.   But Hiro insists to do it right along side me.   Very odd.

And mixes it with  cute! 
Hiro makes things look easy. 
Well,  Thanks for hearing my rant.   I tried to stay vague....  but I'm POSITIVE other people have had similar experiences.   Because... in the end,  we are all human.   Except Hiro.  ( He's a cat!)
I guess Animal Yoga is a thing now? 

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