Monday, June 8, 2020

Fun In The Sun! With The Great Ethan And Cheryl Allen.

 Last week, we capped off 110 miles of "healthy activity!"  That is a combination of biking and running twice a day... And we took last Monday off!   Go figure.

But now that Cheryl s birthday party is over, we can finally concentrate on NOT eating tasty, sugary, "unhealthy" foods and get back in some sort of fitness.... whatever that means.   Basically,  all we have to do is curb out caloric intake... just a little!  And we sould be able to get back on track, fit into our clothes, and fool people into thinking we are 20 years younger, active, healthy, good-looking, and smart!  In a few years, we might not be able to fake it anymore....

Fox Squirrel running
So Cheryl runs in the morning ( I bike) and we both bike in the evening along the Kewash trail.  Today's Wildlife sighting was a Fox Squirrel trying to get run over by me.   they used to be so common back in Michigan, but around here, Gray Squirrels are the most abundant species... Or race, as currently "color" seems to mean so much more now than simply calling them generically "squirrels".    I pride myself in not seeing color.... Unless the squirrel is in my bird-feeder, causing mischief... And Obviously gray.  How else would you describe  the perp to the Critter Control?
Pot holes in the trail

Ok,  Enough passive/aggressive analogy...  I love all squirrels and treat them all the same.   (Now that I no longer hunt them in September...)  The Chipmunks are also crazy and try their darnedest to get run over by Cheryl. I still have yet to capture the Indigo Buntings... they are so fast.  Also,  the trail was being fixed as the rabbits and ground hogs are digging holes.

And finally,   My latest Origami Dragon.   By Henry Pham.   One solid square... No cuts.  I still have to shape and Modge Podge it but... I think it turned out ok.   It might be better with better paper, but that may have to wait.

Knee High Corn...
Other than that,  the Corn in Iowa is already knee high and the weather is predicted to be hot and rainy in the future...  Looks like summer has finally come.   I will have to continue to watch my Tomatoes for signs of life, as even my neighbor seems to be having trouble getting things started this year.   Best not to rely on strangers for produce if you can grow it yourself.   

Hope everyone is staying safe, cool and calm.   Hey!  At least the Virus is gone now, right?   I'm still waiting for all those people to lose their masks...  We shall see. 

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