Friday, June 5, 2020

Hot, Humid, Days In Iowa.

Biking in the heat. 
The temps have been solidly over 90 degrees  for the last two days.  This makes running and biking very challenging.. but we have been doing it anyway.  Because:   ICE CREAM! 
Yes!  Cheryl has been working on Ice cream ideas lately.   And there really is nothing quite like home made ice cream on any day  where the temps are over 90 degrees.   Come to think of it..   When is Ice Cream EVER not in season? 

To be fair.. the first five attempts at Ice Cream were not very tasty or  creamy.  I guess he Gelato was not really very successful.. But now she has the "best" ice cream book out there on Amazon... and so far, it appears  the reviews are spot on.   She has made three versions so far and they keep getting better. 

Which brings us to the exercise bit.. There appears to be a direct correlation between the excellence of the Ice Cream and the expansion of our waist line! 

 After Cheryl's Birthday,  I plan on swearing off sugar, dairy, flour, and food for three months, or until I drop thirty pounds...  OR die of sadness..  whatever comes first.   The increase in our mileage coupled with the growing heat should do the trick.  Heat melts off fat...  I read that in one of those grocery store  magazines near the Check-outs.  (So it has to be true!)  But mostly if I can somehow stop eating all the wonderful buffet of goodies Cheryl keeps creating...  That would probably help the most.

Oreo the grumpy cat.
Rocket the "Cool" cat. 
In other news,   The cats are all around us.   We have pretty much adopted the neighbor's cats from across the street.  They come by our apartment and wait for their daily can of food.  Both cats are fixed and mostly friendly.    Oreo ( black and white one.)  is rather grumpy and can be a bit of a jerk.  But Rocket gets along with everyone and could easily be stolen if Cheryl were to allow me to kidnap another cat. 
Leo with his sailor hat


And then there is Leo the Part-Timer...  He shows up at night and hangs out with Hiro and us.   Thankfully, he is a cuddle-er and loves bothering Cheryl for pets. A Shrewd move on his part, as this gains him an important foothold in our family.

the hat is better used as a toy. 
Both Hiro and Leo got a Box of Toys from Julie and mike the other day and both of them have been trying each item out.   Loads of fun for everyone.

Up stairs cats
Mine is not looking like this. 
The three cats upstairs run around and create noise in the apartment above us.   You would think that the cats would make less noise than their humans, but that it not entirely true.   Thankfully,  as the weather heats up... we have the air conditioner on most of the time now.   The constant humm of the fan provides a wonderful background noise that drowns out the shenanigans upstairs.. ( Including the neighbor's singing!) 

Other than that... no new origami videos today.  I have been trying to fold an R2D2 droid out of dollar bills and it is not going well.   I may take another stab at it tomorrow.   we shall see if it ever gets completed.     Thanks for stopping in.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Summer seems to have arrived early. It's supposed to be near 90 by Monday here in the wilds of TN. I have been craving ice cream lately. I plan to buy some next time I go shopping - but homemade ice cream sounds better!


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