Monday, November 15, 2021

Wind and Cold. and The Utter Collapse of Allenbrite Studio

  Perhaps that is a little over Dramatic.  Let's just say the Sales are down this year...  So far.  And they are most probably on par with previous years.   But after 2020,  everything now seems like a loss.    To put it in perspective.  We sold 6 on Saturday,  25 on Sunday, and 17 today.  Not terrible numbers. ( unless you think like Cheryl)  but certainly not the best that we were hoping for.  Ah well,  what are you going to do?

The wind has been kicking up.   All that cold air from the North.  Thanks, Farside and Mulewings!   But I think there is supposed to be warmer air from the south later this week. ( thanks Lone Wolf! And Tennessee Brit.) and then back down to freezer ville.   Hooray.   

Yesterday,  the upstairs neighbor kid tried his hand at flying a kite in our limited yard.  Lucky for him, the wind was just strong and gusty enough that he could get some serious lift and air time.   Un-lucky for him.. he is a 6 year old kid.   And kind of dumb.    And that is where I step in.  

Being slightly less dumb than the kid.  And having practical real world knowledge on flying kites.. in our yard...  As an ADULT!  I bring a level or proficiency and gravitas that the kid is sorely lacking.   So....  First step:  Turn the kite right side up.  
Second step:  Attach the string in the proper place.   The kite was from the Dollar store, and yet his "Mom"  hooked it up backwards and upside down.  I'm a little skeptical because usually kite's come with instructions.  AND.... Everyone knows Mom's want nothing to do with helping small children... especially when it comes to flying kites.   I believe he was giving him Mom the "Dumb" credit that he was earning.    How do I know?  Well, I used to do the same thing when I was a kid.  ( Don't tell my Mom!)

Step three was to hold the kite long enough for the wind to gust and give it lift.   Once it was aloft, the currents could keep it in the air for a while.   Had he listened to me fully, he would have let out more line and let it lift over the trees and rooftops, where the wind was not circling.  But what do I know... I'm just an Adult that learned to fly a kite in our yard...As an adult.

At the very least, he only got it caught in the power lines once.   And despite his best efforts, he managed to not kill himself  by yanking on the high voltage wires.  I had to bail him out with a pair of scissors and retie the kite string.   But eventually he got cold and went in for some Hot Chocolate.
Today... He showed up again, but this time to "help" me rake the fallen leaves.   Mostly he just wanted them in a pile so he could jump in them and throw them at me.   However, he did actually help me move the majority of them to the garden area.  Perhaps, if it is windy tomorrow.   we will be out there attempting to fly the kite again.   And hopefully the leaves will not blow away from my Garden. 
As for now.  Time to relax.   Cheryl is torn between worrying about our uncertain future AND wondering what race she will be able to attend and pay for.  With stocking sales so low, this allows her time to squeeze in another race.  Then again,  With stocking sales so low, this prohibits her from paying for said races.   Quite the Catch 22.  But isn't that True for everything in  life?  (What? No?  Really?  We must really suck at life then...)  

Hope everyone is staying warm and cozy.   Winter has arrived in the north, and I'm not digging it... even though I DO have a Subaru.... Legacy.  It's a Sweet ride.  Especially in the winter.  Thanks for stopping in.


Val Ewing said...

Have you ever seen those Subaru commercials with the dogs doing donuts in a parking lot? That is hilarious.
Hopefully things pick up? I know that shoppers this year are a bit fickle.
Very funny and beautiful writing regarding the kid and the kite! So much of that made me smile!
Enjoy the cold, I am!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Well have fun in the snow I sent your way! Yeah for flying a kite! Boy I sure hope sales pick up. Maybe a new smaller design to hang on a tree would be a good move...just an idea. I agree with Val it is a different year this year...who knows what will turn their crank. Do you have an email database for your customers? If you did a small design you could shoot them an email...might be worth a have materials...Cheryl is an awesome designer...that has a great assistant!

L. D. said...

I really enjoy all your extra movies. I bet your sales will improve as we are early for Christmas shopping at this time. Of course you will get big sales at the end.


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