That is right! It is over! Fini! Kaput! The Last paper for Mcat was officially graded a couple of weeks ago, but now we are on an English thing where we do this range finding stuff. I know, great lingo there, but these high school papers bring out the worst in writing skills.
Anyway, I have not posted anything in a while and until I get a few more pics, I thought I would refresh the blog a bit just to push it along. In other news, Stockings are beginning to pic up a bit, and Cheryl's parents are coming in a week or two. So big events are coming down the alley! For all those MCAT-ers, I'm not sure what they have planned for you in the future, but, for now at least, all those books are worthless for the written essay part now. At least that is what I'm guessing....I really don't know because I try to stay an uninformed as possible. Hope everyone is having a great week so far!