Hiro is #1 |
Ready to run. |
What else is there to blog about? The day to day routine of our daily runs... A few of the projects that we take on... and our cat Hiro.
7 miles finished. |

First, Running! Last couple of days have been pleasant enough. We travel to Iowa City to run the trail and nothing else. No HyVee! No visits to anywhere we do not have to. Just running.
A little rain. |
Water is getting higher. |
Today, it rained in the early parts of the morning and the river has been slowly rising over time. Any more and it will soon be over the sidewalk under the bridge. Thus.. Bone Park will be cut off from our normal route.
Starting to crest over the trail. |
Another 7 miles complete |
I was impressed that there were quite a few people out and about along the trail. Biking, running, walking with Dogs or just alone; I'm guessing they will risk a few things just to get a little fresh air.
Hiro Helps Bake the Cookies |
A little bit of a taste. |
Back home, Cheryl has been Baking. Trouble of all of us! Because the last thing our immune systems need is more sugar. ( Or our waist line!) You would never know it, but apparently, even the cat likes her cookies. He helps her bake just so he gets a shot at the bowl/beaters!
What the Ancient Dragon is
Supposed to look like. |
My attempt... more times that
I care to admit. |
I would post Origami things, but my creative streak has come to a halt. Possibly because I have been tackling the Ancient Dragon... 240 some steps of pure misery and joy!
I have attempted it multiple times and it never comes out the way it is pictured in the book. ( When I actually finish it!) Normally it takes 3 days of heart break to complete something that almost looks like a dragon. I would say instead of an elegant folded sculpture it looks more like a crumpled ball of tissue paper!
But still rough around the edges. |
An earlier version... somewhat
successful. |
It is easy to get frustrated and have it ruin your day. Especially since several of SATOSHI KAMIYA's Steps are challenging to decipher. Perhaps some day I will watch the three and a half hour video of how he does it. And... I could always use better paper!

Lastly, The White house Briefings have been a Hoot for us. I may like the way the President is handling things, but the Libertarian in me has had to cringe more than a few times during this entire fiasco. Not just the way the President is handling it. ( I do believe he is doing the best he can at the moment) But the Press and other politicians are more than happy to use this opportunity to grab more money and more power.
What the Government deems
"healthy!" |
Case in point: Children! Seems Parents are SHOCKED when they discover that they have to
feed their own kids now that they are
not eating in school. ( If that statement did not make you laugh out loud in disbelief.... I worry for the country.) Yes! Parents. Seems they know how to
MAKE the kids.. But are totally confused on how to
feed and take care of them without government run schools.. ( Again... Laugh! Because it is ridiculous!)
Mom's cooking was not very
great... |
I was raised in a day when either we fed ourselves or Mom made some
tasteless gruel that was
horrible, but satisfying. We also found things to do whenever there was a "School Free" day. ( which there were none....) Parochial schools do not have teacher's strikes, government shut downs, or pandemics as reasons to close. ( Pandemics are "acts of God!" Fire and Brimstone.... stuff like that.) The learning never stopped no matter what!
Life is the hardest teacher...
And Professor Zieger... |
But ever since the Government... (YOUR TAX DOLLARS!) has taken over the raising of the children and the feeding of the Children ( Again! YOUR TAX DOLLARS) , the people who SHOULD be doing those things have relinquished control... fully satisfied that someone else is raising and feeding their kids. Heck, Why even come home at all? Those people are just genetic material donors. The Government is now your Mom and Dad... (Or just
Mom, as
Dads have been pushed out the door years ago....) And those of us who have no kids for whatever reason are forced to flip the bill.

Well we now see where Government fails. Turns out when the money runs out or something big happens... your kids are just not very important anymore. Hey! At least they give them back. You only had to feed them for two weeks... and already you are complaining? Should have thought of that before making them in the first place.
Me, my brother and My dad... Though we had a boat... |
Ok... a bit of a rant. Most parents are fine and actually take care of their kids. I'm not talking about them. If my Mom and Dad were stuck home with me and my brother... we would go fishing. We would play games. Mom would cook for all of us. Dad would fix something around the house. OR most likely.... we would sit around the Television and watch TV for hours.
How we would have spent our time at home... |
We were used to each other's company because we did that every night. Under the same roof... eating at the same table. Perhaps this moment will show people what it was like back in the day... and maybe show them that things were no all bad. Perhaps things like Family time was actually a GOOD thing.. for both Kids AND parents. Because, for all their flaws. ( Oh! There were LOTS! Trust me.) .. I probably had the best parents in the world. Or at least "
pretty good" parents.... in the
neighborhood at least. More family time, less Work Time makes for a stronger America. My opinion. Sorry for the rant... thanks for stopping in.