Monday, October 19, 2020

And Then The Snow Came To Iowa...

Snow is falling! 

It is currently snowing outside.   Looks like there may even be a trace amount of accumulation.  Subie is covered already, as well as the rooftops and trees.   The ground is  not frozen, so it may have a bit of a challenge to turning the yard white, but Snow is definitely in the air! 

So Subie should warm things

So how did this happen?   I thought we could control the weather!   For example,  I left the Subaru running for several hours and it did not change the temperature of the outside one single degree! All of the literature I read tells me that only  the Cars in the United States cause Global Warming.   Well, something is wrong!  Maybe I should have left the car to idle a little longer, but judging from the outside,  I don't know if I would be able to afford the amount of gas required to warm the outdoors. 

Snow on the Tomato plants.

The snow kind of caught the Iowa Trees by surprise.  I was just commenting on how the leaves are hanging on this year, giving us an almost autumn color show!  But now the leaves are weighted down with snow.  This happens in Michigan from time to time and the heavy snow causes trees to break.  I see the Iowans scrambling to get that harvest in.   Looks like the soybeans are all gathered, but the corn is another story.   Then again, we see them harvesting corn in mid winter.   I guess that is not too big of a deal. 

A tale of Two Horn Worms...

Speaking of harvesting!  Two days ago, Cheryl and I picked all the remaining tomatoes off of the plants.  Most of them were still green!  We feared a killing frost, but not a freak snow event.  I thought we may be acting a little rash at the time, but the air was getting colder; and looking back, it was probably the best plan of action.  Even the leaves on the plants are wilting.   It is also a good thing I brought in the tomato worms when I did.  

The Healthy One. He continues to grow!

Still alive, but see all those scars?

Tomato Hornworm Update!   Well,   one of the caterpillars did not make it.   He shriveled down like a deflated balloon. There are currently only two left with plenty of leaves to feast on.  I thought about gathering some more, but I'm guessing if things go well, they may pupate up for the winter within a few days from now.  I still have my doubts on the one that was hit by the wasps.   He seems to be getting smaller while the other one continues to double in size every day.  As long as there is a hint of wiggle left in them, I will continue to give them a chance.  Fingers crossed we get a lovely moth at the end of this. 

Time for some Cold weather Comfort Food!

The coming snow signals the end of many other things as well.  Looks like Art in the Park will be coming to a close.   I predicted this a few days ago, but did not expect it to happen This quickly.  Any plans of autumn mushroom hunting will also be set aside.  We still have a drawer filled with dehydrated mushrooms, so it is not like we are being pressed for  them.   

She looks a little cold. 
Might have to add a jacket. 

In fact!   The colder temps and snowy weather makes me want to have that log cabin comfort food that we used to enjoy during hunting season back in the day.  Stew, chowder, soups, chili...  so warm and tasty.    Add in a slice of fresh baked bread for dipping and you are in heaven.  I dug out the crockpot and filled it with some Progresso soup.  Adding a bunch of the Summer Mushrooms should make it awesome!  I could, of course, make my own from scratch, but I didn't really want to fuss that much.  I'll report later on him things turned out. 

Ready to run! 
Cold and Windy, but pretty. 

Cheryl continues to run.   We ran yesterday in the biting wind and this morning before the snow began to fall.  Both times,  she had to suit up with a jacket.   I have been wearing the Gortex and leggings while on the bike.   Even with an extra layer, I still got cold and will have to install the Bar Mitts for the Bike soon enough.   

Stockings are picking up. 
Snow is accumulating!

I should also note that the Stockings are picking up and Cheryl and I may both find our free time beginning to dwindle down to the essentials.   I don't mind too much.   I will miss the chalk drawings and walks through the woods.   But Cheryl believes that there may be a warm day or two ahead before the end of the year.  Iowa loves to throw a curveball each season.  The only question is... is the snow the curveball?  Or will it be the Indian Summer days in the middle of December?   I'm sure we will find out if  (or when) it happens.  Thanks for stopping in. 

Running Before the snow. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

Really crappy weather here so look out! Snow storms predicted this week. WHAT happened to Global Warming anyways...I demand my share of warming:) Sorry you won't be doing chalk drawings...have you thought about painting rocks and putting them here and there? I see some outside of the had a rainbow on it and another that just had words. Go with the flow:)

Val Ewing said...

The weather is dreary, leaves gone, brown season has arrived...looking forward to winter, the season of hiking without bugs. Hiking with snowshoes, hiking with ice cleats.
And I made our homemade 'scrap' soup in a crockpot yesterday.
Too bad your art has to stop, but maybe you will have a nice day here and there to do it?
I like Far Side's idea!


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