Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Halloween Heroes!

My Griffin. 

Not how I imagined it. 

 So the word is out that I do sidewalk art, and everyone wants some...  The Town supervisor had asked me to come downtown and add some "Halloween Themes" to the area.   I started with the "Great Pumpkin" and moved to the "Monster Mash".  But then I thought about what kids may also dress up as for Halloween....  Then it hit me!   Superheroes! 

Spider man!

Anyone who has every read comics or watched Saturday Morning cartoons must have wanted to be one of those "Superfriends"  at some point in their lives.  I personally always liked Spiderman the best.   I credit his wit and one-liners when dealing with a powerful villain.  And so.... That became my next theme. 

Green Lantern? 
Captain America?  Sure, why not? 

It took a couple of days this time.   I managed to get Batman, Green Lantern, Spiderman, and Captain America.  I definitely wanted a masked theme...  Possibly because of the times,  But mostly because Human faces trouble me.   I was able to finish those 4  yesterday before running out of MOJO. 

Everyone wants to be a Superhero for Halloween. 

Add in the Hulk!

Fast forward to today.   I added the Incredible Hulk.   Because I think everyone wants  to turn green and break stuff in the name of Justice!  Now I know that Hunk does not wear a mask... Or much of anything else!  But I figured I could get away with the Human Figure as long at it was entirely green.  I can't really explain much more than that. 

And a Title! 

While finishing him up,  I thought I should try to tie in the theme so people could understand the direction.  That is: How Heroes and Halloween tie together.   I better spell it out for them.   So I made a Title!  Complete with A Mini-Spiderman doing the painting. 

Painted by a Chibi Spiderman. 

But then I thought...  What about all of those kids who want to stay with the traditional theme of Ghosts and Monsters?   How will they feel about going to a Halloween Party surrounded by "Goody Good Guys?"



But what about the Scary Guys? 

So... I added a Grim Reaper to show my imagined  expression.   I hope people will figure it out. 

No one wants to be a Monster this year? 

Other than that,  I may head to the park tomorrow and do something a little less Holiday.   The News says that Rain is in our future come Monday.   So I better not put too much time into it until after the storm passes.  Maybe my Super Friends will survive it.  The Town Supervisor has been spraying Hairspray on them so they will last a little longer.   I'm not certain if that will work, but I'm sure it is better than nothing.   We will find out if the rain hits us. 

The Awesome Flight of a Dragon Fly!   Great to have around when swarmed by gnats.

The weather currently is awesome.   But the No-See-ums are out in swarms and love to bite you when you are sitting on a sidewalk covered in chalk.  I cheer the Dragonflies when they counter-swarm them and eat the little buggers.  It is an awesome sight to see a swarm of giant Green Dragonflies swooping and diving for these microscopic bugs.   Go Go Dragonflies!   


Far Side of Fifty said...

Great artwork! You have been busy! I am certain the artwork brightens up many people's days! Yes the gnats are out here too...little buggers but no dragonflies here :(

Val Ewing said...

Beautiful artwork!
No gnats in WI they most have flown your way!


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