Thursday, October 22, 2020

More Rain!

 The temps have warmed a bit, but the weather is still unkind to Artists who draw pictures in the park.   It has been raining almost non-stop for two days now.   Right now, it appears the fog is lifting a little,  but there is a heavy mist in the air and rain is predicted for later tonight. 

At least the air is slightly warmer.   And I guess the plants could used the drink a bit.   Although,  the tomatoes look like they did not fair very well after that freak snow storm two days ago. 

We were in Muscatine yesterday.  The rain held off enough to get our five miles in, but it did not take long to dump on us after we got home.  Good times!

As for this morning,  The mist was very heavy and fogged up our glasses to nearly opaque!  A VERY large deer rain right in front of us and all of my pictures show a cloudy blue in the sea of fog.  In other words:  I couldn't even take a picture in it.  Guess we will be stuck inside again for the day. 

We did find some ground cherries on the run today.  Seems to be a lot out, so Cheryl has plans to pick some on our run tomorrow.  We ate a couple, but some of the "husks" do not have any fruits in them while others are green.   I guess we shall see what comes tomorrow. 

Stockings are picking up a bit.   Two days now with 7 stockings.   Soon it will be 10, then 12 then 20.   At that point, we will not be able to do much of anything until Christmas is over.   That is to say... As long as the Pandemic OR the election does not mess with all of our customers this year.   I really hope we have a "better than normal" year this year.  Fingers crossed. 

And Finally,  The last remaining Tomato Horn Worm is about to pupate and call it for the winter.   He was very active yesterday while I was changing the nesting material.  The other one did not make it.  He deflated jus like the other one from a few days ago.  Seems once they get infested,  they will never recover.  But at least one looks like it will make it.  Nature is so harsh! 

Hope everyone is enjoying their areas of operations.   Cheryl says the temps will rise before the rain falls today.   I may have to check things out for a possible future art plan.   we shall see how things pan out. Thanks for stopping in. 


Val Ewing said...

It rained buckets out here in SW WI. We have lots of fog and mist now. Nice to see that the weather didn't bother Cheryl and she got her running in!
My glasses fogged up terrible today also. I think someone needs to invent wipers and defoggers for glasses.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice video of Cheryl running and the train:)


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