Monday, October 12, 2020

Stockings, Murals, Sunsets and Vultures!


Red-Eyed Tree Frog

Yesterday was  a fairly relaxing day.   I heard somewhere that Sundays are supposed to be a day of rest ...or something.  So what better way to spend a day of rest than on working on a chalk drawing?  

Bear Hug.

I have never so hard as I do when there is no money in it for me.   I probably take after my Dad that way.   Or Grandpa Allen!   At least Dad was a member of a Union, so he did get paid fairly well.    But I digress...

Shadow?  Or illusion? 

All the Fun things you can do with

Reflection in the Window

I put a couple murals in front of the day care center, since the rain had washed the two that I had previously put there away.  So, this time I chose a slightly more sheltered area.   And while I was at it, I decided I should face it so the kids can look out their windows and see them right-side-up. 

The Kids will have fun looking

  It turns out, that they make a really great mirror effect when you try taking their finished pictures.    The are not only right-side-up in the window, but they are also facing the other direction!   Kind of cool. 

Frog on the Black top trail
Fox near the Daycare.

Having an entire day to waste,  I also put a frog on the black sidewalk/bike trail.   It was a lot more difficult to work on than I thought.  I should also note that it rain a little this morning, so I'm curious how it fared against the weather AND foot traffic.  We shall find out later today when Cheryl and I take our walk through the park. 

We check them out on our
evening walk
Vultures playing in the distance.

Last night,  Cheryl and I went on our walk just before the sun set.  The warm air has since been replaced by cooler temps and strong wind.   But last night...  the Vultures were having a grand old time riding the warm wind currents.  I always imagine them like carefree surfers,  riding the wind rather than the California Waves.  

Watching the Flock ride the warm wind currents.

They look like bats from that distance.

They will be migrating south soon enough so I tried to take some pictures while they remain.   The Eagles have already begun to arrive in the cut corn and bean fields.   Hummers and Pelicans are gone now as well.  I have not heard a single Cicada in weeks now.   Looks like Autumn is officially here. 

Some fall color
Mostly, Iowa is Gold and Brown.

Speaking of Autumn,  We are having a pretty good color year in Iowa this year.   When we first arrived in Iowa ( From Michigan)   The Fall Color was TERRIBLE!  ( By comparison)  The only two colors in Iowa are gold and brown.    But after 10 years,  you begin to find the color in other places. 


The Sunlight brings out the Yellow.
Harvesting the corn.  

And, depending on the year,  sometimes the leaves simply do not remain on the trees long enough to enjoy.  For Instance:  Today's wind will most likely force much of the color down to the ground.  But we have enjoyed the colors up to this point.   And there are still plenty of trees with leaves that have not turned yet.  

Today's Stockings.

And finally, stockings.   The weekends are the time when the stockings begin to pile up, but they continue to be "small" batches.  We just finished up 9 stockings and I am done answering questions. 

The story behind the name. 



The Stocking of the day goes to the Earl of Sandwich.   A Black and White trouble maker cat that had problems with his foster families.  The Shelter from where he came name's him "Hoagie".   But the Adopted family would call him the "Earl of Sandwich"   Shortened to just "Earl" later.   I guess what we do to

Yesterday's Kewash Run.

 our cats is not so uncommon.  ( Cheryl never calls Leo by his name.. He is "Fluffy", "Puffy, "Kitten" Or "Leo-Moto."  Whatever name works. 

Hope everyone is having a fine Monday today.

Everyone needs a Hug on 


 Looks like we will be skipping any Chalk drawing and running today.  Monday's usually are our days off from activities.   Besides,  they will soon be our Stocking catch up days in the coming weeks.    For right now,  enjoy the breezy warm days and the autumn colors.  ( And Migrating Birds!)   Thanks for stopping in. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

You are having way too much fun with chalk! I saw a video on facebook a friends little girl had special tires on her bike...she could chalk the designs on her tires and then leave I thought of you! How nice that you did another mural for the day care center:)

Susan Zarzycki said...

I enjoyed your chalk drawings as I am sure the daycare children did also! How kind of you to use your talent to create happiness. The browns and yellows have their place in the spectrum of Fall colors and the short video of the vultures was interesting because here in eastern Pennsylvania they are with us all winter. They like to roost on the tall trees at the top of our driveway. Those socks are so cute!

Val Ewing said...

There is so much joy in seeing your drawings. The vultures are leaving our part of WI too. I used to watch them while doing guard duty along the Mississippi River. Interesting birds.


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