Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tomatoes Galore!

Harvesting the remaining tomatoes

 As mentioned in the last post,  We picked all the tomatoes that we could from the plants.   Even then, there are still a few out there on the plants, but they are either too green or too small to be bothered with.  The cold and snow have forced us to make a few hard decisions on what to save and what to let go.

A few bowls of Cherry Tomatoes.

So what do we do with all these green tomatoes?  I hear that you can bake them into a pie or eat them as if they are a granny smith apple.  I have never eaten green tomatoes before, so I'm not sure just how to prepare them exactly.  I guess we could look up some recipe on line if we really wanted to go down that road. 

Some green tomatoes 
under the table.
And on  the shelves? 

Or we could simply put them in a brown paper bag and hope they end up ripening on their own.   I have been dehydrating some and Cheryl has been turning others into sauce for pizza and possibly spaghetti.  She currently has them everywhere except the kitchen table.  We shall see how things work out. 

Tomato Horn Worms. One is getting
much bigger!

IN the mean time,  One of the tomato Horn Worms is taking the lead in the Size department.  I woke up to the container being almost completely void of green, leafy foliage. He even ate one of the tomatoes I dropped in there, just in case the leaves were too wilty for them to eat.   

He even ate one of the Tomatoes!

The Wasp damaged horn worm seems to be at a stalemate.   He is not dead, but it does not look like he is eating either.   I'm beginning to fear the worst, but we will keep him as long as we can.  

New food for the Caterpillars.

I went outside and replenished the tomato leaves from the plants that survived the night.  It is currently above freezing ( most of the snow has melted) but it is still cold.  I'm sure the tomato plants will not be green for very much longer.   Cheryl says the container I have for the Caterpillars looks like a Salad  on my desk area.  Complete with small Cherry tomatoes!  I'm sure that is how the horn-worms look at it. 

Still Running in Shorts? Note the snow
on the back of the Subie. 

Cheryl continues to run in the cold while wearing shorts.   But I have upgraded to full winter parka and snow pants.  I even installed the Bar Mitts for the bike so my hands stay warm.  From now on, it will just be a matter of additional layers and coverings as the temps continue to fall.  I simply do not generate enough heat while biking next to the Marathon Runner.   Thanks for stopping in.  

1 comment:

L. D. said...

Those green tomatoes might surprise you and will ripen. All of my green ones that I brought in sit on table in the basement window and they are ripening


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