Actually, there was not too much that needed to be done. Mostly it was just dust. Not much grime or oil gumming things up. Still, while reaching my hands around inside, they get dirty. ( I hate that!) If my hands are going to get dirty, it should be because I'm doing something like changing oil. Simply removing a part or replacing a belt or hose should be an easy and "dirt Free" affair. But it never happens that way.

So after removing a few components and scrubbing a few things with a toohbrush, the difference is hardly noticable to the naked eye. But, I can now reach into the back of down into the engine and come back with a clean hand. Good enough!
I'm sure it will not last. Possibly less than a week and it will be covered in dust and bug goo again. But at least it sparkles for now.

Hope everyone is having a fine day and keeping cool. The clouds around here are at least keeping the sun at bay a little. Cheryl even hung outside for a while, while I was tidying up the car. As long as the Iowa Death Sun does not have a clear sky to flame away, Iowa can be tolerable in the Summer. Thanks for stopping in.
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