Happy New Year! Ok... I'm a little late for such a greeting.... But this has been the first opportunity I have had to blog about such a topic. And even now, there does not seem like much time to even post the entry I had envisioned. But here I am. So I may as well attempt it.
My first thought was to have an entry critiquing 2022 as a terrible year. One that would go down in the history of my life as one of the worst years ever. But then I actually thought about it for more than the "knee-jerk" moment that had initially hit me... And I came to a rather odd conclusion.
2022 was actually not that bad. At least for me.
I would say that any year with serious change in the routine of life is destined to be viewed as "Bad!" After all, "Change" is never viewed as good or bad until after the effects of that shift are evaluated.
But it is scary! And that us pretty much always a bad thing.
There were lots of changes in 2022. First, I left Iowa. And left Cheryl there... alone. ( It's a long story, and not a very happy one.) But I managed to link up with a long time friend and he was generous enough to offer me a place to stay while I found a means of income. And I did! A new Start-Up warehouse job at GXO ( soon to be Zebra... but that is for another blog post.) It is a great job with benefits and I have been enjoying it.
Cheryl also found a job writing for the local newspaper in Kalona. She also is enjoying her new sense of purpose and means of income. It did not take her long to climb to the role of "editor" at the paper. And she is actually getting to know the folks who lived by us for 12 years! ( Without my help... might I add.) In other words: The job prevents her from being shy. And my absence has taken away her ability to hide behind me as a shield.
With both of us "fending for ourselves" so to say, we discovered that we are capable of many things we have long since forgotten. And I would like to say that we have been shown that our roles while we were together were rather under-appreciated. Example: Cheryl's ability to navigate and purchase items online and my ability to reach high places and fix things.
One of the only bad things is that we are not able to see each other regularly. And when we do... it costs money in travel, time and sometimes lodging. It is a far cry from being with each other almost every waking hour of the year. ( Even working at the same jobs and for our little stocking shop!)
Speaking of Stockings... This was the year that the Christmas Stockings were put on hold. We are uncertain if they will be able to recover from the blow. We actually toyed with the idea of trying to do them over the long distance, but decided ( wisely) that it was probably impossible to do it and remain profitable.

So it currently looks like 2022 will mark the end of our Christmas Stocking business.
But with one item lost, Another is found! I was able to go fishing! Something I have not done in a very long time ( 12 years at least!) And I actually enjoyed it. Dave managed to convince me to do many things that I have been uncomfortable doing. Including going to a rock concert! Another first for me. ( Yes! I have NEVER been to a live Rock concert before in my life. I was very sheltered.)
I also went to a baseball game and a number of local taverns. I attended two Cross Fit gatherings.
(Another thing I have never done before.) And got to find and eat many new mushroom species while here in Wisconsin. I even got to ride in a Corvette! (A cool car I would never want to purchase for myself.) Thanks Dave! For "Cattle-Prodding" me out of my comfort zone.
Cheryl, on the other hand, got to run two marathons and actually won third place overall at Little Rock. She also talked me into running several 5 Ks ( Something I had never done before.. on an "official race" capacity.)

This year also marks that last of the Michigan cats. Hiro died. And that was very sad. I believe he was the longest living cat we have ever had the opportunity to enjoy. And his passing was the last of our possessions from Michigan that survived the journey to Iowa. He has now been re-united with Red and Rasha in the Happy Hunting Grounds in the sky... But he will be missed by us here. .
And while we are on the subject of Heaven. I might as well mention that I have started to go to Church again. Seems like an odd thing to say in Wisconsin, Since being a Lutheran in Wisconsin is rather
ubiquitous. And God never really leaves you. Even if you try to leave him. Not that I ever tried to leave him or anything. Mostly, I just got lazy. ( as with many other things in my life.) But God seems to find a way to get you back on track sometimes... in ways we could never imagine. I think my Dad would be proud.
And this is the point where my ramblings become too much for even me to endure. I will finish with my weekend holiday activities. I drove to Iowa and spent the long weekend with Cheryl. We did a number of errands and rearranged the furniture in the apartment. We also stayed up and I got to ring in the New Year at midnight with a Kiss. Something we have not done for many, MANY years. I'm looking forward to 2023. And hopefully, the year of "Change" will be followed by a year of goals and focus. I'm not really sure just where that focus will be at the moment. But I think when it finally becomes clear, I will be able to pursuit it with gusto!
Happy New Year everyone! May we all find happiness and achievement in everything we do.
Thanks for stopping in.