Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Day To Not Pursue Hobbies....

The last few days have been a wonderfully cool 65 degrees with the absence of sun.   (i.e. cloudy)   Misty rain, noticeable humidity, and  a slight wind have made for pleasurable outdoor adventures.   And for these reasons, we have been running in the morning AND biking at the trail in the evening.

In between those times,  we try to occupy our time with our little hobbies.   Baking and origami top the list  while we wait for the moment to head to the trail.  But sometimes,  things do not go as planned.

A few days ago,  Cheryl made a crumble that did not work out so well.   The day after  that,  she made a spice cake (Not pictured) that was also a flub.   Today she attempted another project that ended in disaster. (also not pictured...)    She DID make some tasty Gelato, though.     She was working on some toppings for it when she hit another  "Baking Wall"  and abandoned it all together.  Not that the Gelato needs any toppings to begin with.   It is delish on its own. 

As for me,   two days ago, I had "folding Block"  ( an Origami term I just made up)   where nothing you fold turns out.   I somehow managed to finish that video yesterday;  but today,  I'm having trouble once again. 

 It fluctuates between not knowing what to fold, and when I DO have some form of inspiration, it ends up looking more like a crumpled piece of paper and not an elegant folded model. 
Ah well,  those days happen.   Sometimes you just have to accept that the life of a creative person is like the rain:  Spotty with lots of clouds.

Otherwise,   the latest Wildlife sighting was a snail on the sidewalk.  ( Sometimes I have to take what I can get....)   I love these guys and if the birds have missed them in the morning, I like checking them out and maybe taking a picture.   I ended up saving this one by moving him off the sidewalk.  Didn't want a bird to eat him or a walker to crush him. 

So that is all.   Cheryl did manage to make another Broccoli Tart that tastes awesome.   She thinks she ruined the crust because she ran out of the proper cheese and had to make a substitution.   I think the crust is fine, tender, and flaky.   And the flavor difference, if there is any, is indistinguishable.      At least we have something tasty to eat for supper.   With Gelato as a dessert...Yumm.

Hope everyone is staying warm, safe and dry.  If you live in Michigan... I hope you can swim!    The Dams on the Tibbitowassi...  Tittibawassie  Tittabawassee River are failing and causing serious flooding.   Guess they have not updated or modernized the dams for over 50 years or so...  And Earthen dams fail if the water gets too high.    (Spellcheck is not very helpful when it comes to proper names of rivers or small towns in Iowa.) 
I'll have to save those thoughts for a different post...  But for now.   Thanks for stopping in.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Folding block...good new term:) I should bake more...but we would just eat it! :)


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