Monday, May 4, 2020

Celebrating A 100 Mile Week! With Some Dandelion Potato Salad...

That is correct,   we managed to Run/Bike 100 miles last week.   Averaging 7 miles for running, and 10 miles for biking.  Not bad for someone who is not training for a Marathon.   And by "Someone"  I really mean Me!   Cheryl is Always training for a Marathon... even if there is not one on the horizon.

Cheryl making Heavy Bread.
But all that running and biking catches up with you eventually... and today it did.   Cheryl was feeling a little sore after 11 miles on on the bike and 10 miles running...( we had to add a few miles to get to 100, after all...)   So today,  her body let her know that it should be an "off day"...  To bad it did not tell us Before we started running...

As for me... I have been working on an origami video... and it is taking a little longer than I had first thought.  I guess in my mind, I had an epic vision...  It still may happen.  It will just take 3 days instead of one.   Cheryl has been baking bread...again.

Greens from the yard.

All the ingredients needed. 
And finally...  Some Dandelion Green Potato Salad.   I blogged about this a while ago...  Maybe last year. (Ok, 2018...) It was one of those recipes that Mom made and took to her grave.   But I finally "reverse engineered it simply by memory!   Quite an accomplishment.   I still have to work on the proportions, but it still tastes great.  And Mom was never one for Measuring cups and scales as it was....  Guess taste and check is the Allen way...
Mash up the potatoes 

Add the Bacon. 

Anyway,   The Dandelions have been HUGE and I wanted to grab some before the landlord mowed them all down.   There might be a Nack to the adding of the ingredients.   I think maybe next time I will use some of the bacon drippings to blanch the greens.  At least I remembered to add the eggs last.  (Otherwise they will totally be mixed up and lost!  This way keeps their form a little better) 
Add the Greens. 
Mix well! 

In all,  Awesome!  I feel like I'm becoming one of those Homesteading Granola Hippies when I make stuff like this.   I DO drive a Subaru... but not an Outback or Forester...  I sometimes shop at the nature foods store..but only because they carry rare and hard to find mushrooms.   I also forage for Mushrooms...  And take pictures of the food.... But I'm NOT a Granola..  No Beard, No Tats, No Piercings. In fact,  those people kind of creep me out.
Add eggs and vinegar.
I'm not a Hippie! 

But what the heck,  I can't help it if they like the same things I do.  I mean,  I am someone people should try to emulate.  ( My own opinion.)  In the mean time,  looks like I'll be eating this stuff all by myself...  since Cheryl refuses to eat it simply because it has "weeds" in it! ( never mind that she thinks it tastes fine...  Some people and their preconceived notions.. ) By the way,  Dandelions are very nutritious!  So what if you have to dowse them with bacon grease, eggs and Potatoes... If all vegetables and healthy greens came that way, I'm sure I would eat them more often!

Poison Ivy?
There certainly is a lot around
the river. 
No mushrooms today.. even though we had time to look during Cheryl's VERY slow run.   I guess you could call it a "Mushroomless Monday."   Spell Check does not like "Mushroomless"   But it seems perfectly legit to me, so I will use it.   But I think I finally discovered where we have been getting all that Poison Ivy.   IF this IS poison Ivy... it is EVERYWHERE by the Iowa River.  Not very good if we ever decide to go off the trail.  Thanks for stopping in.

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