Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Running In The Cold Spring Rain.

Off Day Running in the rain/ 
This weather is for the Birds! 
 It has been raining all day today...  40 degrees and cold and wet.   Great day to stay inside and eat brownies and drink Coffee...  But Cheryl had different plans.

Since we attempted to run yesterday... Because it was not raining,  We HAD to run today... The full 7 miles.   I think we are supposed to take a day off somewhere during the week.  Taking time off while it is raining seems like a good time...  But Yesterday counted as the "off day" because we only ran three miles instead of the usual 7.    Personally, I believe ANY running negates a day from being an "off" day.

Does "social Distancing" apply in this

Are they blocking our path? 
But we ran/biked anyway.  At least the rain and cold kept most of the people away.  In fact,  besides a couple of crazy people. ( besides us)   we had a run in with several geese.   These two we pass along the river path several times before, but usually they are in the water or just off the side of the sidewalk.  Today,  they were much more friendly.
Bone park Goose,  Slightly more

Cheryl and Ethan Rebel against
However, in the bone park,  there was a single goose that was not very friendly.   He chased me on my bike twice... and hissed at Cheryl as she ran by.   I, never refusing a challenge,  jumped off the bike and tried to pet him!   He ran away.  All Hiss and no Flap, it appears.   I guess if they are in "nest defense mode,  that would explain the semi-aggressive nature.   But I used to gather these things up for the DNR in Michigan.  They may look mean, but are really not as bad as YouTube would have you believe.

What does that sign say, anyway? 
Is it in Japanese? 

One of the perks of running today was that Cheryl and I rebelled against the Government and ran the wrong way on the path.   It would have been great had it not been so cold.  If confronted,  I was prepared to say that I could not read Japanese...  Or whatever language this sign was supposed to be in.   But no authorities were called and no "Trail Monitors" were there to snitch on us.   It was the prefect crime that one one saw. 
Completely soaked!  

Other than getting soaked,  there was not much else to write about.   I finally finished the Turtle Pond Origami. I may have been a bit overly ambitious.  But it is done now and I didn't tear any of the origami in the process....  I guess that counts as a good thing.

Hope everyone is staying warm and safe... and dry!  If it is raining in you area.  Otherwise, Stay safe! And thanks for stopping in.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

I figured for sure that Frog was a goner:( Cheryl looks cold!


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