Saturday, May 2, 2020

An Inspiration Of The Tree Swallow.

Tree Swallow. 
On the Bird House...
The Tree Swallows are back and more colorful than ever.   I have been trying my best to capture these guys with my crappy camera... on the "Fly"...  literally.  Yesterday was the first day one allowed me to capture him sitting on the birdhouse.  Most of the time they disappear in a flash and blur.

HA HA!  Finally!
Wait!  Don't fly!
But the encounter has inspired me for my latest Origami Video.   It is funny,  the last 12 seconds took longer than the first 33!  (The entire thing is only 45 seconds long... )  I have been watching videos trying to see how they fly...  they are Masters of Aerial acrobats.

Cheryl.   The Poison Ivy MAGNET!
Other than that,   No new mushrooms to mention.  But plenty of Poison Ivy.  Goodness!  How do we find it so easily?   I have done an online search and they give me about 100 different variations of the thing.  And I STILL can't identify or avoid it.  All I can say is, it must be EVERYWHERE here in Iowa..  if you ever brave off of the paved path.

Lucky for me,  Cheryl got the worst of it.  Maybe I should word that differently... Um,  Cheryl was more Unlucky than I was... That sounds better.  The other way makes it sound like we were in some sort of competition.

Running in Kewash. 

Grosbeak Male.
The Kewash trail has been greening up nicely.  We ran there this morning, choosing to avoid Iowa city during the weekend.  Other than the wind, there is very little else to say about it.   We saw our first Grosbeak out there... No Indigo Buntings yet.

Maybe...  Rain will trigger THIS! 
Things are looking Green!
Otherwise,   I have simply been waiting for  the rain.  They promised rain for Sunday... so it probably won't happen.  Iowa Weather predictions are almost guaranteed to be the OPPOSITE of the forecast.  But if it does manage to rain just a little, I'm hoping it will trigger another round of Mushrooms.  The few we found two days ago are not enough for a full Mushroom Tart again.  Cheryl has had to buy some Button and Porchini's from the store to fill out the requirements.  Hopefully the Morels will be potent enough to flavor the entire thing.. even with only 7 small mushrooms.

Hope everyone is staying safe and is still sane after all this "hiding in place."   Things will become turbulent if they last much longer.  But Summer is the Enemy of Viruses...   I'm ready for the Summer Growing season to begin!.  Thanks for stopping in.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Fun folding...was that another bird it ate? It happened so fast!

Poison Ivy is easy to see...three leaves usually real glossy in the early Spring. I am waiting for it to come up so I can kill it!


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