Thursday, May 28, 2020

More Running, Hotter Weather, and Random Flooding!

As mentioned in a previous post, the rain has been happening a little bit, on and off, every day.  Sometimes it happens in the morning.. Sometimes in the afternoon or evening.   Thankfully,  this morning was nice and dry.   We ran on the Kewash Trail while the trail was still firm and the humidity was tolerable.   We have already encountered our first dose of black flies, and as long as the wild remains calm, they will become a problem.   Otherwise,  as long as you never stop.. and the wind is moderately strong...we are able to keep them at bay.
Wildlife Sighting.

Random Wildlife sighting.  I wanted to see if I could catch the elusive Indigo Bunting or maybe even the Oriole... but instead,  I captured this bright Tiger Swallowtail.  Normally these guys are busy flying by at the speed of light.   Capturing one in the morning....while it was stationary on the bright grass was kind of lucky.  I'll take what I can get.
Dry trail.... so far.

Corn is gorwin'

The Corn in the field across from the old school is already several inches high. They used to say,"knee high by the 4th of July" in Michigan.   Well, in Iowa, they plant later and it grows taller than back in Michigan. ( Ok, I'm not sure when they plant in Michigan... maybe that expression is because spring comes slightly later than here...)

Rain begins.
It did not take long before we arrived home and the rain began to fall.  This time the rain was more downpour and less sprinkles.   It has been raining ever since except for the last hour.   With the rain lightening up and our evening bike time approaching,  Cheryl was eager to take the risk and get out there to bike in the rain and mud.

Falling pretty hard.

I did not bring my camera...because...Rain!   But the dry trail is now a RIVER!   I'm willing to bet ( and Cheryl will back me up here)  the small creek next to the trail rose 2 ft  within the last 5 hours!  Many of the fields are now filled with water and the drainage ditches are brimming.   I know it is because the topography makes for "flash floods" around here, but I actually did not think the rain was falling all that hard.   Thankfully, the trail was still somewhat firm so we could bike 8 miles.  Cheryl thought we should turn back before hitting ten because the trail was a little soft and it was getting late.   (Soft trails are a PAIN to bike one... it feels like you permanently have your brakes applied!)
New tripod.

New Camera! ( not really, just making
existing tech talk to each other.
Changing gears a little.  I managed to figure out how to connect my camera to my Stop Motion Program, My new Tripod has arrived, and I have the little clips for the back brakes on the I can finally (hopefully) get that annoying squeaking to stop.    And Tomorrow will be a Muscatine day... so I have something to look forward to... Unless it rains even more!

Kinda hot outside....
Breath the fresh air!
Hope everyone is staying dry and warm. If your State allows it,  be sure to get outside at least a little this weekend.  Fresh air is good for the soul!  And it doesn't hurt to act like a rebellious American from time to time and defy the lock down order... It's who we are.  Thanks for stopping in!

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

You had some warm weather! It was 43 here this morning and we have freeze warning for tonight...thats Minnesota for you...we could sure use some of that rain!


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