Monday, May 18, 2020

Rain, Running, Cats, Mushrooms, and Sub-Par Origami.

It has rained for the last two days now.   However,  Cheryl wanted to run today, so we braved the mist and chill.  While out for our 7 mile adventure,  we noted new Spring mushrooms popping up ion the Bone Park.

Chocolate brown gills...white spore
print!  Possible Horse or meadow
One of these, ( the ones with the chocolate brown gills,) might be a choice edible!   The spore print is white ( NOT brown... as the gills would suggest... How cool is that?)  The younger versions of the mushrooms have slate gray gills. I will have to look it up and key it out to be sure, but by that time the mushrooms will be gone.  Still,  it is nice to know where they are for the future. 

Avoid rust brown gills....

I tend to leave ALL rusty brown, gilled mushrooms alone.   Too many bad/poisonous look-alikes out there.  But they are still pretty to take photos of.

I also spent the last two days working on more Origami StarWars models.   The AT-AT is made up of 11 single dollar bills!  I ran out of dollar bills, so I had to tap into the specially prepped $10 bills!  If the money were real.. That would make this origami model $110! 

Everything was going swimmingly, until I had to assemble the thing.   The instructions are a little vague about how the legs are supposed to attach... so, OF Course!  I had to guess wrong.   I thought I would aid the assebly with a little glue...  which works great  IF you have the legs attached properly.   Well,  Mistakes are how you learn.   Hopefully I will remember if I ever plan on folding this monstrosity  ever again. ( not for a long time, I'm sure.) I hope the Casey's folks like it at least.... and can't spot the mistakes.

And finally,   the Cats!   Turns out, they are secretly buddies  after the lights turn out.   Well,  it really is no surprise.  They play together all the time, though it looks like Leo is constantly beating up Hiro.   I guess Kittens tend to be more playful than 11 year old cats.   Leo does not seem too old, though the vet suggested he might be 1-2 years... maybe.  I did not see him in the neighborhood until last fall, so if he was milling around Wellman,  he must have been doing it on the other side of the tracks. 

Otherwise,   another Origami Video.   Nothing special.   I wondered if I could get an octopus origami to work for stop motion.  Turns out the paper is a little too stiff for fluid motions that a Cephalopod's movement calls for.   Ah well,  live and learn.   Hopefully someone will enjoy it.   Thanks for stopping in.


Far Side of Fifty said...

I liked the Octopuss! :) Good job!

Jon said...

I remember picking (and eating) mushrooms with my cousins when I was a small child.
Since I know absolutely nothing about mushrooms, I wouldn't dare do that now.

My cat Bosco caught two mice late last night. I had to crawl out of bed and dispose of them...

I like the origami creations!


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