What does one do in the great state of Arkansas? Well, we are about to find out! Since we are stuck here for an entire week before the big Marathon. Luckily, there are a couple of other people who can trial and error their way through along with us. The Zakoseks!
Yes, yes... We have now kidnapped them and are forcing them to partake in all of the events we might have attempted, but were to scared to try on our own.
"That looks dangerous...Send In The Zakoseks!" It has proven to be most handy.
After a brisk training run this morning, Cheryl invited them up to a hazardous and unknown trail. There was a little mud... LOTS of rocks, and some technical and steep climbs along the way.
But that did not last as long as we had hoped. Eventually everyone got bored so we moved to our next mark.
Creepy Rock Store! Cheryl is into rock hounding, so why not see what Arkansas has to offer.... at a Rock store! The problem started with the mask mandate at the door.
Followed by an odd Gypsy lady offering the healing power of crystals. For only $35!
Good thing the Zakoseks joined in, because I did not go inside the store. The stuff Fossils outside were kind of cool though.
And finally, The Big Dam Bridge! Cheryl and Mike has run this route this morning. We decided to walk it as a group. Along the way we saw plenty of people, birds and dogs.
This little pooch was so cute and fun, I simply had to take his picture.
Not sure what we have planned for tomorrow, but I'm sure there will be more pics. It is a challenge finding things to do that One: Does not cost lots of money. Two: Does not hurt the runners.
Three: will not end up getting us in trouble or killed or eaten by the locals. ( I don't know.... This is Arkansas! Books and Movies paint a grim picture....)
I should note that the weather is wonderful. Even the locals have mentioned it. This may be a problem for our Marathon Runners as at least one of them is trained for colder temps.
But we have several day try to bend the body into a half way usable machine.... And it could rain. So... Hypothermia.
Another short post. Mostly about nothing. But what else am I gonna do? I'm just here to take pictures and report about events as the unfold. Thanks for stopping in.
I suppose the Crater of Diamonds state park is not on your list, you could find a diamond there! I think it is about 2 hours away from Little Rock. Enjoy your week!!
Enjoy your visit, I've always wanted to hike the trails in those areas. Just never got there!
Looks warm too!
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