Today would be best summed up as a Marathon Rehearsal. But not for our Dear Marathon Runners. No, no, no, NOoooo! Today was "Handler" Pam Zakosek's 5K Run. Also known as a "Scouting Report." You see, being a proper Handler for a wild and untamed Marathoner requires that the Handlers demonstrate various parts of the bigger picture.
In this case, Pam helped show the Team where to start, where to finish, and a few of the best observation sites for MAX picture taking quality. I would say, Mission successful!
Right off the bat, we found good parking right next to the race start. And also dealt with the lack of restroom facilities for the runners. These may sound like small things, but on Marathon day, those Marathoners are neurotic!
We talked about possible spectator locations and decided that the bridge overlooking the start was the best first spot. Cheryl and Mike joined me as we waited for the start.
Pam helped by waving to us and showing us how difficult it can be, even with a "bird's eye view," of seeing the runners successfully. I managed to capture a blurry pic of her.
I raced down to about mile 1.2 to catch her at the next available site. I barely made it before she ran by and would have missed her had she not shouted to me.
Finally, at the Finish, I discovered that the Bird's Eye View from the Start does not make for a good finish photo. Better rethink our strategy for tomorrow on that one.
And after the race was over, The Three of us wandered around trying to find her. This brings up another issue for our little group in having a designated rendezvous point after the race has been completed.
The Data learned will be very valuable for tomorrow's race. Pam and I will be tracking the two of them on the Phone App. And we will have to do a little jogging ourselves as we rush ahead of them at various spots. There are still lots of Variables that could not be addressed today, ( like the weather!) But any little thing that can make the event smoother is always welcome.
With the race over, we headed back to the Hotel for more strategy and planning. Ok, Not really. Mostly that was Mike and Cheryl trying to burn off some anxiety. I will probably only be happy when they are both thoroughly exhausted after the race. Until then.... you just kind of have to let them go.
We enjoyed a pizza. Went for a walk to burn off even more energy, and finally hung out by the open fire patio in front of the hotel. We had finally mostly reached a moment of Zen.
Even then, The Marathoners continue to plan and talk about running. You see where I'm going here?
Eventually, We did one final "Carb Load" with Noodles and Pancakes. Unfortunately, I am not running tomorrow... Therefore, All those carbs go right around my middle. Lucky me!
These race posts have been quite long lately, so I will wrap this one up here. Tomorrow is the Big Day! We shall be hitting it bright and early to secure that awesome parking. Wish us luck!
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