They called off schools today! BEFORE the actual storm hit. Just the HINT of a storm seems to make those Public Schools scamper for their safe spaces these days. Back when I was a kid, they would not call off school for snow days unless the Wyoming ( Michigan) schools closed... And they NEVER DID! ( Remember the snow storm of 1976? Only two snow days!) Did I just age myself? Did I just sound like my Mom? "walked 10 miles to school.... In two foot of snow... Uphill.... Both ways!"
Yep.... I'm officially old.
Ah well. It rained in Wisconsin, and everyone was was as scared as a frightened School Girl because there was a prediction of freezing rain later in the evening. Some folks did not even bother to show up today. ( Fellow Former DIM guy... Yes you! We are on to your deception!) Some of the folks were asking to be let go early so they could get a jump start on the storm. ( Fellow Put-Put Away guy...You know who you are.) Yes But in the end, we all had a great day and there was much rejoicing.. Too bad
Phil That guy who wasn't there couldn't make it. ( There was food and dancing girls!)
But when the day was finally over, we headed outside to an world of Candy Coated Ice sculptures. It reminded me of a slightly lesser version of Niagara Falls in the Winter. ( Ever go there? It is Visually Stunning when the mist forms an ice coating on everything.... Except that the sidewalks are impossibly slippery.)
The good news is that the ice was "soft" and not fully formed yet. And the Salt Trucks were able to stay ahead of it mostly. I encountered no accidents on the highway and had plenty of grip for the Subie's bald tires. That being said... Tonight will be a different story....
Because of that threat, they canceled Ash Wednesday Service this evening...With the complementary Soup and Sandwich Meal that was to accompany it... That was supposed to be my Dinner! But fortunately, Dave found himself free for the evening and took the opportunity to cool up a fine Roast Beef Diner with Asparagus and mashed potatoes on the side. And I did not have to starve.
On a brighter note: The bosses said that if we come in a little late tomorrow because of the storm... They will not deduct a point from your attendance. In other words.. Drive safely and arrive alive. Of course Jeff "That guy concerned with employee safety" asked if he could come in after 11:00! There is always one of those guys who will try to find a loop hole and take advantage.
I probably should not use my blog to call out fellow "workers" as it might come off as rather "unprofessional." But I have heard that they read the blog occasionally and I think they enjoy knowing that they were able to make this weeks posting. So really, I'm doing it for them! And they LOVE it! Right? Former DIM guy who's name I strategically did not use....
But enough of them... I just wanted to share these really cool videos of how the ice was on the cars after work. I used to watch videos of this and found them so satisfying. So here ya go.... Enjoy! And thanks for stopping in. Make sure you are driving safe if you are in this area. I'm sure as the sun sets, it will turn to a different form of ice and no one will like that at all. Be safe!
Wow! Well my son who lives near the Kenosha Racine border and others were all out of power most of last night.
Glad everything was okay for you.
Looks like a mess, stay warm and drive safe!
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